Thursday, October 31, 2019

Toyota Motors Internal Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Toyota Motors Internal Business - Research Paper Example From this paper it is clear that Toyota Motor Company supplies its cars to the U.S., East Africa and Japan, but faces intense competition it is endeavor to expand its market to countries such as China.This study highlights that  the market system is a system that allows individuals and firms to make their own decisions about who gets what and the means used to get it. While the market system deals with individual decisions, the government deals with collective decisions. In the United States, the market system and the government make decisions concerning the economy. The U.S. economy is made up of individual people, social institutions and business and labor organizations. The United States constitution is the basis of the United States’ legal system. The U.S. legal system gives the freedom to own private property. The law gives U.S. citizens a right to own property and use it in the lawful manner they choose. The market system affects the distribution and sales of Toyota ve hicles because the decision of using them is made by people and organizations that may want the products. The U.S. government does not control the individual buying and using the vehicle. It is the duty of the Toyota Motor Company to convince its customers of the benefits of using the products as opposed to other related products. It is the duty of Toyota Motor Company to offer the vehicles that the customers might need at prices that they are willing to pay and which it can afford to sell. The Motor Company price will determine who will be able to purchase the products. Political risks in a country may be instituted by the political decisions in regard to the expected outcome and value of any given economic action. Macroeconomic and socials policies are the key effects of political risks. In the U.S., political risk can be caused by government participation in private enterprise. A financial crisis may also be the possible source for a political risk in a country. For instance, in 2009 investors in the US were concerned about political risk after the government played a great and controversial role in private enterprise due to the economic problems that were experienced at the time (Graybow, 2009). Toyota Motor company’s products are luxuries and not basic needs. Therefore, in case of a political risk the demand for its products will reduce. To avoid losses in situations of political risks the company should consider broadening its markets. When one market is affected by the problem, it can utilize time on other markets as it waits for the affected country to revert to stability. The Toyota management should ensure that it does not rely on one market. In case there is a political risk in one country its sales and other operations will not be paralyzed when it adopts this strategy. Preparing strategies in advance will make the company more prepared to tackle political risks in the future. Toyota motors code of conduct includes observing local laws, respecting societal norms and company ethics, engaging in fair corporate activities and complying with the expectations of its stakeholders. In raising individual awareness of compliance, Toyota promotes initiatives through corporate ethics committee and other internal organizations. They always check activities to enhance compliance with their codes. The Toyota code of conduct describes the values to be observed by the people of the global Toyota organization. The codes are aimed at creating a harmonious

Monday, October 28, 2019

Paper Analysis on the Poem Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Example for Free

Paper Analysis on the Poem Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Wilfred Edward Salter Owen born 8 March 1893, died on 4 November 1918. Were an English soldier and poet (one of the leading poet in World War 1). Wilfred Owen was born at Plas Wilmot, a house in Weston Lane, near Oswestry in Shropshire, on 18 March 1893, of mixed English and Welsh ancestry. He was the eldest of four children, his siblings being Harold, Colin, and Mary Millard Owen. Line By Line Interpretation Lines 1-2 Beggars used to put everything they owned in some sort of sack which would then carry over their shoulder. The soldier, like the beggar is bent over in pain. The solider could also from the gas attack. â€Å"Knock- kneed,† suggest that the soldier is trying to keep his knees together and his feet wide apart as a way to keep him steady so that he can continue to walk. Owen compares to â€Å"old beggars† and â€Å"hags† as a way to say that the soldiers have lost their youthfulness due to fighting in this war. The symptoms listed here is due to a mustard gas attack; the solider experienced blisters, sore eyes, and vomiting. Line 3-8 The solider try to go back to camp to recover from the effects from the mustard gas attack. â€Å"Haunting flares† are the flashes of life that accompany artillery shell. â€Å"Distant rest† can be interpreted in two ways: first, when the soldier reaches camp they would be able rest and recovered from the attacks; the second interpretation could be death. It could take a while for a solider to die from exposure to mustard gas. â€Å"Limped on blood shots furthers the opinion that this was a mustard gas attack, because men would get sores over their bodies from being exposed to this gas. Of course, it’s also possible that they were just hit with artillery fire but in keeping with the context of this poem it makes more sense that this would be an effect of some sort of gassing. â€Å"All blind† was another symptom of the attack; they eyes would become very inflamed and puffed up so that it would make it hard for them to see. â€Å"Five-nines† are the five point nine calibre shells that were fired on the British soldiers in this particular instant. When the shells were fired they made high pitched sound, described by Owen as hooting. Line9-14 This is the part of the poem that describes a chlorine gas attack. â€Å"An ecstasy of fumbling† can be interpreted as the soldier so overwhelmed with being scared and nervousness that they are fumbling with their helmets while they were trying to put them on. The helmets here are referred to as mask gas. There were many varieties of gas mask during WWI; with each new development in gas war fare the helmets had to be adapted to protect the soldier. In the early days of chlorine gas attack, men would put damp cloths over their mouths and noses, which would reduce the effects of the gas on the men. Gas masks were later produced to protect soldiers from this gas. Line 15-16 This section can be read as nightmare. This scene of death haunts the narrator of this poem these men saw death every day and with the introduction war fare one could argue that death took on a whole new significance for them. The drawn out death of men expose to the gases will leave more of an impression of the mind of that of a quick death. More and more men had to be treated for post-traumatic stress disorder due to them not being able to deal with everything that they saw while they were enlisted the solider described here a slowly dying. (Line16) Lists all the actions that a person would do if their air supply was cut-off. Line 17-24 This section of the poem describes a soldier with post-traumatic stress would think. The narrator describes this dream as smothering like he is the one that is suffocating rather than the soldier. There was little that cloud be done for the soldiers once they were expose through this gas and that made that people feel really uneasy. â€Å"Like a devil’s sick of sin† could mean that the soldier was as tired as the devil of the sin that he and others took part in. â€Å"The bloods come gargling from the froth- corrupted lungs† is a very descriptive image that would probably make anyone sick to their stomach if they actually had to see it first-hand. This is an image that would stick with someone for a long time, haunting their memories. It is these kinds of memories that can cause post-traumatic stress disorder. Lines 25-28 Owen is referring to Jessie Pope when he says â€Å"My friend.† He is telling her that is she knew the reality of the war she would not be propagandizing it to young men. Pope prays on the young mens desire to be glorious heroes without telling them the ramifications of enlisting Significance of the Title The title is significant because e it highlights the horror and reality of war especially on the first war. The war is reflected in the Latin word â€Å"DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI†. This phrase can be translated as it is sweet and rite to die for your country. Owen states as an â€Å"Old Lie† and he illustrates this in the poem. His illustration of the reality war is that an incident of exhausted soldier studded through the mud of the soldiers. They are leaved the front line in order to rest for a few days in a safer place. However the group is attacked by mustard gas. One soldier was last in putting his mask. Owen describes the symptoms shown by7 the man as the poison slowly kills him. Tone of the Poem The tone of the poem is harsh due to the diction. â€Å"Coughing like hags†, â€Å"Curse through sludge† Poetic Devices â€Å"Bent double† is an example of an hyperbole it conveys the feeling of exhaustion felt by the soldiers, were carrying heavy packs and being sleepless in the trenches. Metaphor: â€Å"Drunk with fatigue† the feeling the soldier were having due to mustard gas effect Alliteration: â€Å"Knock-kneed coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge.† create and impression of panic an urgencies. Simile: â€Å"Like a man in fire or lime† to express the burning and blistering of the pain caused by the mustard when it came into contact with their skin. Rhyme: â€Å"Sacks –backs, sludge- trudge, boots-hoots†

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Causes of Islamic Radicalism

Causes of Islamic Radicalism Anastasiya Sernetskaya Problem Solving in a Global Age: Islamic Radicalism Since the 18th century, the Wahhabi movement vied for the rejection of new Muslim ideas, instead reverting back to the original beliefs set by the Prophet Muhammad (Commins 5). From their roots in Arabia, multiple groups that embraced radical beliefs of Islam grew. They now span the whole globe with major groups such as the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in the Middle East, the Caucasus Emirate in Russia, Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, and Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram in Africa. However, radical Islam originated from the Middle East (Commins 3), an area with a deep history of poverty (Long 7) and, in turn, a history of religious government institutions that only teach upcoming generations militarism and the Quran (Tavernise). Instead of solving for symptoms of Islamic radicalism, it is important to solve for its root cause (Hamid) and help fund nonreligious private education because of the Middle East’s importance to the global economy and future relations concerning oil (Tà ©treault). The first cause of Islamic radicalism lies in what can be called the ‘Western Grip,’ the strong presence of American and colonial culture. After World War 2, oil resources developed and sent imperialistic powers to the Middle East. This created a dependency on the Middle East and their resources. However, the relationship between major global oil economic powers and local populations in the areas of extraction has not been fostered; instead, an irreconcilable divide between Islam and the West emerged (Tà ©treault). Similar to British imperialism, the United States involves itself in the politics of the Middle East and takes it upon itself to solve the Middle Easts problems, initiating conflict and invasions. As Western influence increased, industry created a connection to Western culture, one that includes provocative clothing, music, and habits- all of which go against the fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran. These directly oppose the ideals of the fundamentalis ts and thus fuel anti-Americanism and further rebellion against modern progression. The reason why such radical religious organizations thrive is by their use of religious persuasion to impose the ‘true’ interpretation of the religious text. They oppose modernity and instead act on Sharia law, which instead of governing by secular laws, only looks toward Muslim rules and regulations based on strict interpretations by the Quran. In addition, when the United States began to occupy Iraq, it created an anti-American sentiment in the area that only grew as Muslims realized a long history of American negligence and indifference towards supporting followers of Islam (Long 1). Conflicts in Bosnia, Chechnya, and Gaza, directly targeted Muslim victims, and these conflicts are â€Å"†¦given as an example of where Western nations have failed to act quickly or effectively to protect Muslim civilians (Baksh 2). Their occupation of Iraq and their refusal to aid Muslims created a strain on the Middle Easts relationship with the United States and further fueled anti- American sentiments while turning to a more radical solution that incorporated their religious values that they place great value onto (Long 201). Another cause of Islamic radicalism in the Middle East is the high poverty rate. Their huge variation in oil wealth across the region drives income disparities (Long 6). Historically, the Middle East has not expanded or modernized along with the rest of the world. Instead, their history shows a reliance to turn to religion whenever they needed consistent governing. This led to the creation of Sharia law and an importance placed on religious education. The poor who live difficult lives were much more susceptible than those who could afford a strong, secular private education (Long 7). It has been stated that countries like Pakistan have never really taken their education seriously, and rely only on the Quran for educational resources. As students learn about the way of the Prophet Muhammad, most either see no value of further schooling and drop out or they further their religious education and learn how to preach as a career opportunity. Many of the organizations that take up teaching young children and organizing preaching groups have been linked as stepping stones to Al- Qaeda or the Taliban (Tavernise). The third cause of Islamic radicalism is the political backing by Iranian leader Ruhollah Khomeini who had a crucial position in the rise of extremist government. While in power he stressed the spiritual over the material, (Sorenson 45) and implemented Sharia law. As fundamentalists first began to pop up and run for official power, there was a tense struggle between factions. As Khomeini backed the radical Muslims, he in turn increased radicalism in Iran and pushed for the execution of moderates. Radical leftist guerrilla groups sprouted all over the area as they became more organized under a provincial government and gained le gitimacy and power (Long 59). This highly contrasts to the Philippines where Abu Sayyaf, the major Islamic terrorist organization, has not been able to gain such a strong political backing and thus radical Islam has not been able to grow with such vigor (Ankerson 241) The primary cause of Islamic radicalism cannot be the Western influence or the politics of Iran. The Western Grip that was created affects many countries but none have spurred radicalisms like countries in the Middle East have. As scholars Long, Reich, and Gasiorowski stated in their book The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, The inescapable American influence affects almost every other part of the world with no radical consequences,† (23) so why is the Middle East so unique? To find its primary cause, one must look to the root cause of all problems instead of just looking at symptoms, like the politics of Khomeini, who began his radical backing after a mass influx of broken governments and fundamentalist groups who promised to stay true to the Quran and bring Allahs glory to the area. The Wahhabi movement was another symptom of the people reaching to find stability in their government and life. All of the corruption spurred from the true root cause o f Islamic radicalism- poverty. The poor began to and continue to turn to radical ideas because of fewer opportunities in their society other than ones to preach religious ideas. They are facing a socioeconomic delay behind the rest of the world, and it corrupts their education, which builds a foundation for the upcoming generations in the Middle East, thus progressing the radicalism and turning fundamentalism into a standard in the government (Burhania 16). The most viable solution to Islamic radicalism lies in funding secular education. Other past attempts to go in and fight the groups out has only spurred more violence and backlash against Westerners, pushing the divide between the two regions further and further. Attempts to change the government cause progress but not enough to effect poor areas that radicalism grows from. Instead, it is important to solve their education as †¦ poor public education forces them to turn to Muslim education sources and breeds radicalism (Rasizode 54). Education that is secular creates a more western-positive approach and educates about democracy therefore solving both other causes of Islamic radicalism. Islamic radicalism is a complex problem that is multifaceted. Although there are many proposed solutions, one must look at how radicalism is bred and how it spurred in the Middle East to see that education could help solve poverty and fundamentalism.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Interview with the vampire :: essays research papers

As you may know, while the film IWTV was in production with David Geffen, the author of the book had no legitimate contact with him or with the studio or with anyone connected with the film. When the announcement was made that Tom Cruise would star as Lestat, I had deep reservations and severe criticisms. So did many many of my readers. I talked openly about this. A curtain thereafter divided me from the entire production, and with reason. Nobody likes to be criticized, and that includes movie people, too. I understand and accept what happened. But to me, movies and books are not like sports. There is no immediate consensus on whether a player had scored a home run or a touch down. So it was okay to speak my mind on the casting, and I don't have any regrets. But to continue... I saw no rough cuts of IWTV; I saw no clips. I went to no screenings. It wasn't until David Geffen, himself took the unusual risk of sending me a VHS tape of the movie, that I saw it. And I approached this tape with a deep fear of being hurt, crushed, disappointed, destroyed by the finished work. When I saw the film on VHS, I came out at once in favor of it, declaring that I loved it. I bought two pages in VARIETY to talk about it in a frank and unedited announcement. No one controlled what I wrote, or had any opportunity to delete any part of it. I loved the film. I said so. I had no idea at the time that the film would be a huge success. I really hoped it would be, but I didn't know. It was so eccentric, so extreme, so weird. I came out in favor of it, fully prepared to sink with it if it failed, that is, to look stupid in my praise of it. I had no other moral and aesthetic choice. I went by the heart. What happened on opening weekend is now history as they say. The movie made about $35 million dollars, and broke all kinds of records to do with seasons and ratings, etc. I don't remember all the details, but it was a luscious American success. And I marveled then and I marvel now. Whatever, I have not up till this date discussed the film in detail publicly. I didn't want to program anyone's response to it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Britian during the First World War and The Social and Welfare

First World War How did women contribute to the war effort? Suffragist and suffragette member took men's places In Jobs when the men went overseas to fight. Hundreds and thousands of women were employed In munitions factories, in the transport system (conductors on buses and trams), employed as laborers on farms, as nurses and in offices a secretaries and receptionists. This was a crucial part of the war effort as it kept the country going. How were civilians affected by the war?During the war the government: Rationed food Civilian land was taken over by the government for food production diluted so people wouldn't get drunk British summertime was also introduced Beer was This was all under the Jurisdiction of the Defense of Realms Act (DORA) which was Introduced by the government In 1914. British summertime was Introduced so there were longer hours meaning that people could work for longer. Under DORA people could not discuss military affairs. How effective was Government propaganda during the war?A form of censorship was adopted in war time Britain, the government only allowed retain things in newspapers to be printed. Soldier's letters from the front were also censored. Posters were published to encourage the civilian morale. What was the attitude of the British people at the end of the war towards Germany and the Paris peace conference? During the war there were millions of deaths of soldiers on the front, and many permanently maimed by the war. The civilians were angry and wanted Germany to pay: a headline from a newspaper was ‘make Germany pay.British Depth study: social and welfare reform What were working and living conditions like for the poor in the 1 sass? Pollution: there was a large amount of pollution in cities due to the amount of coal burnt Overcrowding: large amounts of people were moving into cities to find Jobs, low wages and high rents meant families found the smallest places to live Disease: there were major epidemics all around Londo n due to overcrowding, low standard housing and poor quality water supplies Waste disposal: litter filled the streets along with horse manure. Human waste flowed into sewers and then Into the rivers.The free school meals were not compulsory but by the end of 1914 a large amount of he population were getting one good meal a day The pensions act meant that many of the elderly were kept out of the work house but it was refused to people who had never worked before Many of the Jobs that were in the exchange act were temporary or part time and the amount of Jobs available didn't increased The national insurance act was a good safety net for people who had fallen ill or were unemployed however they had to pay money out of their wages and wasn't enough for the whole family to live on Free medical treatment was only available to the wage earner

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Outsider

THE CHARACTERS Â · MEURSAULT Meursault, the main character and the narrator of the story, is a 30-year-old shipping clerk who lives an ordinary day-to-day existence. We see him as a son (at his mother's funeral); as a friend; as a solitary creature pursuing simple experiences from moment to moment; and as a prisoner, first on trial, then awaiting execution. Physical sensations of sun and wind and physical activities such as swimming or running mean a great deal to him. Larger experiences in his life- the death of his mother, a chance for marriage, and a change in job- mean relatively little. We learn almost nothing about his past, though he is a curiously candid person, speaking of experiences in the present that most of us, if we felt them, might keep silent about. He has a detached attitude toward other people. This annoys most people, but some are attracted to him because of his silence and his habit of not offering judgments. The central event in his life, at least as far as it influences others, is killing an Arab. His most intense experience, however, is his attack on a chaplain while in prison. Many readers see Meursault as a hero and as a martyr for the truth. He refuses to disguise his feelings and by doing so threatens society. He accepts death for the sake of truth rather than play society's games and conform to what he sees as society's illusions, lies, and hypocrisies. At the same time, he doesn't judge other people but attempts to understand why they act and say the things they do. Some readers note, however, that Meursault occasionally compromises his loyalty to the truth, for example, by writing a letter to Raymond Sintes's girlfriend. He also lies to the police to win Raymond's release after he has beaten the girl. Other readers see Meursault's feelings as callous, not heroic. For instance, when Raymond is beating an Arab girl, Meursault refuses to send for the police because he dislikes them. His feelings take ... Free Essays on The Outsider Free Essays on The Outsider THE CHARACTERS Â · MEURSAULT Meursault, the main character and the narrator of the story, is a 30-year-old shipping clerk who lives an ordinary day-to-day existence. We see him as a son (at his mother's funeral); as a friend; as a solitary creature pursuing simple experiences from moment to moment; and as a prisoner, first on trial, then awaiting execution. Physical sensations of sun and wind and physical activities such as swimming or running mean a great deal to him. Larger experiences in his life- the death of his mother, a chance for marriage, and a change in job- mean relatively little. We learn almost nothing about his past, though he is a curiously candid person, speaking of experiences in the present that most of us, if we felt them, might keep silent about. He has a detached attitude toward other people. This annoys most people, but some are attracted to him because of his silence and his habit of not offering judgments. The central event in his life, at least as far as it influences others, is killing an Arab. His most intense experience, however, is his attack on a chaplain while in prison. Many readers see Meursault as a hero and as a martyr for the truth. He refuses to disguise his feelings and by doing so threatens society. He accepts death for the sake of truth rather than play society's games and conform to what he sees as society's illusions, lies, and hypocrisies. At the same time, he doesn't judge other people but attempts to understand why they act and say the things they do. Some readers note, however, that Meursault occasionally compromises his loyalty to the truth, for example, by writing a letter to Raymond Sintes's girlfriend. He also lies to the police to win Raymond's release after he has beaten the girl. Other readers see Meursault's feelings as callous, not heroic. For instance, when Raymond is beating an Arab girl, Meursault refuses to send for the police because he dislikes them. His feelings take ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Different Places Essays - Baseball Rules, Baseball Field

Different Places Essays - Baseball Rules, Baseball Field Different Places Jac Crocker November 14, 2000 AP 11 Contrast Essay The noon day sun beat down on the red clay infield at Harry Harris Park. Runners on first and second squinted from the glare as they watched the pitchers mound for the opportunity to run. Advise for the runners as well as the batter was screamed and from the stands of spectators. Adding to the din of noise was the chant of the infield and outfield, Hey, batter, batter! The smell of popcorn and barbeque permeated the air. Water bottles emptied as players sought to stay hydrated from the suffocating source of heat that surrounded them. The ball field was alive with action! The midnight moon lazily lit the ball field. The red infield clay reflected a rusty tone lightening ever so slightly at the pitchers mound. The moon light on bases lit up their lonely abandoned positions. Dew on the grass of the outfield announced the outer limits of the game area. Silver spectatorsstands invited the moon light to bathe them. All was still, stationary, secluded. The night blooming jasmine mixed with the salty sea breeze and perfumed the air. Still all was so spectacularly serene. Yet, pause, listen carefully, this is the place where hopes and dreams can be heard. Bibliography none

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Antitrust practices Essay Example

Antitrust practices Essay Example Antitrust practices Essay Antitrust practices Essay Antimonopoly patterns are patterns carried on by concerns that end up destructing perfect competition in the market. Antitrust Torahs are Torahs prepared to seek and advance healthy market competition by forestalling anti-competitive patterns by companies. Some of the illegal patterns that constitute to antimonopoly behaviour include corporate amalgamations. monopolies and monetary value repair confederacies ( Bailey. 2010 ) . The Clayton Act of 1914 was passed by the U. S Congress. It was an antimonopoly jurisprudence that was amended to halt and forestall patterns that led to unhealthy competition in the market. The Clayton Act was amended in order to complement an earlier version of the antimonopoly jurisprudence referred to as the Sherman antimonopoly Act of 1980. This was a federal jurisprudence that sought to forestall patterns that were harmful to consumers such as trusts. monopolies and other unjust concern patterns ( California Association of REALTORS. 2005 ) . Google Company One of the recent houses to be investigated for antimonopoly behaviour is Google Company that leads the online seeking industry. Harmonizing to Weiss ( 2014 ) . the house late was being investigated by Competition Commission of India ( CCI ) for claims that it abused its laterality in the on-line hunt engine industry by chiefly advancing its ain services over those of its challengers. This ground is considered to make unhealthy competition in the concern as the hunt engine company dominates its challengers in what is considered about a monopolistic market. Antimonopoly behaviour brings about both monetary and non-pecuniary costs. Since it amendss healthy competition in the market. monopolies can ensue and this has inauspicious effects to the monetary values of trade goods. The merchandises end up going dearly-won and expensive for the clients and. hence. impacting the society negatively ( Bailey. 2010 ) . On the other manus. antimonopoly behaviour leads to the end product of merchand ises falling below the market competitory degree and this is chiefly witnessed in monopolistic markets. Then once more. the antimonopoly patterns can be dearly-won for any company that has engaged in them since if probes prove that the company is guilty of the said Acts of the Apostless so heavy punishments can be imposed on them. Furthermore. this can destroy the repute of any company and. hence. stoping up losing its clients ( Bailey. 2010 ) . Monopolies and Oligopolies Monopolies and oligopolies are non ever good for the society. Their presence in any market merely means they have all the power to command the monetary values of their merchandises and services. This is non favourable to the clients since monetary values can ever travel up any clip particularly when the demand for certain trade goods is high. One good illustration of an oligopoly is the Coca Cola and Pepsi Companies. These are the world’s largest drink companies and demand for their merchandises is neer diminishing. However. these two companies represent a market with few providers while the consumers are many. They have all the power to order their products’ monetary values and the consumers have no power whatsoever ( Hovenkamp. 2011 ) . On the other manus. some authorities monopolies can be considered good to the members of the society. Many authoritiess in the current universe control the production and supply of electricity and other signifiers of energy. This is ut ile because the authoritiess aim at supplying such services to the citizens at low-cost monetary values and across the states. It is the duty of the authorities to heighten substructure development in the state and. hence. running such sectors of the economic system can be good to consumers. Decision In decision. it is of import to indicate out that antimonopoly patterns are unwanted behaviours since they destroy healthy competition among concerns. However. the jurisprudence is rigorous on companies that engage in these patterns and heavy punishments can be imposed on them. Antimonopoly patterns include monetary value repair. corporate amalgamations and creative activity of monopolies ( Reeves. 2010 ) .

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Regional Coordination for Tourism Planning Research Paper

Regional Coordination for Tourism Planning - Research Paper Example The growing global concern about environment has contributed to the concept of sustainable ‘ecotourism’ from which some regions like Maldives, Kenya and Belize have taken advantage by maintaining their natural resources to target tourism market (Moutinho 2000). This paper in particular, will discuss the point that regional coordination is essential in tourism planning in order to attain the policy objectives at their anticipated levels. To illustrate, a plan that aims tourism development of a particular region has to be comprised of socio-economic, legal, environmental, and religious components. As the initial stages of development, the tourism policy must focus on providing adequate facilities to accommodate and entertain the visitors. Moreover such places must be equipped with all basic facilities like water, telephone, banking; currency exchange etc. transport is another important area which needs special attention. All modes of transportations whether air, water or road have their own roles in the sustainability of tourism industry. All the above factors can be assimilated only through the coordination of local governments, stakeholders, and the residents of the locality. Tourism planning is neither top-down nor bottom-up process; instead, it is an interactive or collaborative approach that involves the various processes like governess between organisations and stakeholders, and interaction between various levels of organisation (Bramwell & Lane 2000, p.146). However, what kind of development plan is required depends on the geographical feature of an area. In general sense, developmental initiatives and strategic concerns come within the following areas. Environmental issues have grown to be one of the major concerns of tourism planning all over the world. Hence, all policies including infrastructure developmental strategies should ensure the conservation of the environment

Friday, October 18, 2019

The kingdome film (2007) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The kingdome film (2007) - Essay Example War then started and different problems happened. In 1973 the oil embargo occurred and lasted until 1974. Also, in the 90’s Saudi Arabia became the top oil producer in the world while US became the top oil consumer. Terrorism then rocked the world after the said period. This became the connection of the movie to reality. The plot presented a fictitious compound, Al Rahmah in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where foreign workers are living with their families and where the main focus of the movie which is the bombing occurred. Through different situations caused by different groups, the 4 FBI agents pursued the search for the people responsible for the bombing. Through the process a friendship had been established with the local military official Al-Ghazi. The attacks continued even when one of the officers had been taken by the group. The movie presented the different social issues such as clashes of culture, traditions, religion and beliefs. The clash of culture and traditions can be ob served in the minute details in the movie. One is the amount of respect given to the leaders of the country such as the Prince.

Re David Thompson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Re David Thompson - Essay Example He was attended to by DI. He underwent to treatment to his right eye but was told that the operation was only partially unsuccessful. On August 12, he returned once more, but was again told that the operation was only partially successful. On August 19, he returned for treatment on his left eye, and this yielded completely satisfactory results. Additional treatment on his left eye was conducted on September 29. This operation was done both by DI and DB. It was during this visit that complications arose. Mr. David Johnson was informed that there was a problem as his cornea has been penetrated. In a subsequent examination by DI, he was told that his corneal flap had been damaged and that a corneal graft was probably necessary. He was referred to Dr. Singh (GS) at the Grafton Hospital in Oxford. 3. Mr. David Johnson has had several operations and procedures to correct the damage to the cornea, beginning with the stitching the damaged corneal flap on September 30, 2003 and culminating in a corneal graft on September 24, 2004. The sight on the right eye is still problematic. He is on the NHS waiting list to have a contact lens implant. After the operation at Eye Right, he experienced pain due to â€Å"dry† eye, reduced and disturbed sight and very poor night vision. Until the corneal graft, he could not drive. His vision was unbalanced as his left eye was normal. He became solely dependent on his family. He became prone to headaches and fatigue and was unable to work for 6 months, although he received sick leave pay. He has since returned to his job as librarian, earning 32,575 p.a. (net). He still requires constant application of eye lubricant to counteract the dry eye syndrome, I.e., one NHS prescription per month. He must wear special glasses costing 195.00 and dark glasses in the sun costing 105.00. 4. According to

Muhammad The Revelation of the Qua'ran fuels early Islamic growth Essay

Muhammad The Revelation of the Qua'ran fuels early Islamic growth - Essay Example s at that time, the manner in which Quran played a pivotal role in fuelled the growth of Islam and will also shed light on the life of Muhammad, who is the spiritual leader of more than 1.8 billion Muslims all over the world. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D in the city of Mecca, located in the Arabian Peninsula. He belonged to the respected clan of the Quraysh, who were not only well-to-do merchants but also the keepers of the Holy Ka’abah. The Ka’abah is the oldest known structure and attracted pilgrims from the entire Peninsula. (Haykal, 1994) Muhammad’s grandfather Abd al-Muttalib was the custodian and after his demise, the responsibility was passed on to his uncle Abu Talib. Muhammad was orphaned at a very young and was raised by his grandfather and then his uncle; hence Muhammad had a very honorable lineage and upbringing as he had been under the tutelage of some of the most respected members of the society. (Haykal, 1994) Despite the countless vices that pervaded the Arabian society at that, Muhammad earned the love and respect of the people for his honesty and truthfulness. He never indulged in corrupt activity and when he was 25 years old, he was hired a widowed businesswoman Khadija. Despite the fact that Muhammad was younger than Khadija and had an age difference of 11 years, they were bound by matrimony and together had a fairly happy marriage that lasted for a quarter of a century until the death of Khadija. Polygamy was rampant at that time, but throughout his marriage to Khadija, Muhammad never took up a new wife and remained devoted to her completely. Muhammad had always rejected the religion of Arabia at that that was largely based on paganism and idol worship. Muhammad felt that the idols were not responsible for giving life or creating this world, and was highly perturbed by the lawlessness that permeated every aspect of the society. In order to get away from these lecherous affairs of the society, he found solace in meditation and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Cloning And Its Disadvantages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Cloning And Its Disadvantages - Essay Example   The laws dismayed scientists and experts alike who believe that human cloning can advance humanity. However, an opposing view on human cloning began to broaden as we gradually understand the implications human cloning may pose in the future. Recently, experts in various fields contend that human cloning could become a threat to society if we do not exercise prudence and rationality in the utilization of the said technology. Specialists and ordinary citizens alike assert that human cloning should be banned because of its adverse moral and ethical implications, it is extremely unsafe and it is socially and psychologically harmful.  The laws dismayed scientists and experts alike who believe that human cloning can advance humanity. However, an opposing view on human cloning began to broaden as we gradually understand the implications human cloning may pose in the future.   Recently, experts in various fields contend that human cloning could become a threat to society if we do not exercise prudence and rationality in the utilization of the said technology.   Specialists and ordinary citizens alike assert that human cloning should be banned because of its adverse moral and ethical implications, it is extremely unsafe and it is socially and psychologically harmful.   The prospect of utilizing cloning technology, not just for the purposes of therapy and treatment of genetically linked diseased but also cloning humans for another purpose, pose profound ethical questions.... This behavior toward children could also lead to heightened2"commercialization and industrialization of human procreation" and could result to a new 'eugenics' in which parents choose what 'kind' of genetically 'modified' child to have. Another of consideration we need to look closely at, is the argument with regards the possibility of creating human life in order to destroy it in the end. As there are two most common prospects of human cloning, one of which is the cloning to replicate a 'whole' human being and the other one is for therapeutic purposes, the majority of the President's Council stressed that cloning for therapeutic purposes obliges that 3"the creation of human life expressly and exclusively for the purpose of its use in research, research that necessarily involves its destruction, ... transform[ing] nascent human life into nothing more than a resource tool." Another danger that comes with the utilization of the technology to clone humans is related to safety. The Council on Bioethics asserted that, 4"[g]iven the highrates of morbidity and mortality in the cloning of other mammals, we believe that cloning-to-produce-children would be extremely unsafe. Scientists and experts agreed that the scientific information indicate that the techniques utilized by scientists is not safe on humans as shown in the experiments with animals demonstrating that, with very many attempts to clone life, only a few percentage is successful. In addition, a great number of the clones die during gestation and most often newborn clones carry abnormalities or die as a result. Although many content that the risks are reduced as the technology advances, reproductive cloning is costly and highly

What causes lead to the statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What causes lead to the statistics - Essay Example Chile records high growth in developments in the agricultural sector; the level and number of industries have since grown in Chile. The high economic growth creates opportunity for most citizens improving the income. Education is also a sector in which the Chilean government is keen on. Gender equality is scoring low despite having had a female president; the women get fewer opportunities in job markets and leadership positions. The women fail to take up competitive opportunities like in science and engineering ending up on low salaries. Life expectancy in Mexico sets at 77.5 percent below the OECD standards, and it’s below the level in most countries. The level is dependent on the rate of government commitment to quality health. The Mexican government commits 6.2 percent of the GDP on health services. The standard of obesity and other chronic diseases is at 32.4 percent affecting the Life expectancy levels (World Bank publication 2014 11). Rate of substance abuse is also a contributor. Mexico is one of the largest economies with the purchasing power higher. Mexico has over time invested in industrialization with high diversity, large numbers of manufacturing firms and increases in the level of exports. The high industrialization has improved the gross income rate per individuals because of increased employments. The balance in the educational sector in urban and rural areas shows much parity (Lara 121-132). The government allocations in the education sector have since improved the area. Gender equality has since improved, but there are still high levels of imbalance in leadership, pay gap disparities and levels of domestic violence. Life expectancy is far below the world standard set levels due to the low standards of health service provision in the country. The number of health service facilities available for the population is small. Most rural people have difficulty in accessing health

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Muhammad The Revelation of the Qua'ran fuels early Islamic growth Essay

Muhammad The Revelation of the Qua'ran fuels early Islamic growth - Essay Example s at that time, the manner in which Quran played a pivotal role in fuelled the growth of Islam and will also shed light on the life of Muhammad, who is the spiritual leader of more than 1.8 billion Muslims all over the world. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D in the city of Mecca, located in the Arabian Peninsula. He belonged to the respected clan of the Quraysh, who were not only well-to-do merchants but also the keepers of the Holy Ka’abah. The Ka’abah is the oldest known structure and attracted pilgrims from the entire Peninsula. (Haykal, 1994) Muhammad’s grandfather Abd al-Muttalib was the custodian and after his demise, the responsibility was passed on to his uncle Abu Talib. Muhammad was orphaned at a very young and was raised by his grandfather and then his uncle; hence Muhammad had a very honorable lineage and upbringing as he had been under the tutelage of some of the most respected members of the society. (Haykal, 1994) Despite the countless vices that pervaded the Arabian society at that, Muhammad earned the love and respect of the people for his honesty and truthfulness. He never indulged in corrupt activity and when he was 25 years old, he was hired a widowed businesswoman Khadija. Despite the fact that Muhammad was younger than Khadija and had an age difference of 11 years, they were bound by matrimony and together had a fairly happy marriage that lasted for a quarter of a century until the death of Khadija. Polygamy was rampant at that time, but throughout his marriage to Khadija, Muhammad never took up a new wife and remained devoted to her completely. Muhammad had always rejected the religion of Arabia at that that was largely based on paganism and idol worship. Muhammad felt that the idols were not responsible for giving life or creating this world, and was highly perturbed by the lawlessness that permeated every aspect of the society. In order to get away from these lecherous affairs of the society, he found solace in meditation and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What causes lead to the statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What causes lead to the statistics - Essay Example Chile records high growth in developments in the agricultural sector; the level and number of industries have since grown in Chile. The high economic growth creates opportunity for most citizens improving the income. Education is also a sector in which the Chilean government is keen on. Gender equality is scoring low despite having had a female president; the women get fewer opportunities in job markets and leadership positions. The women fail to take up competitive opportunities like in science and engineering ending up on low salaries. Life expectancy in Mexico sets at 77.5 percent below the OECD standards, and it’s below the level in most countries. The level is dependent on the rate of government commitment to quality health. The Mexican government commits 6.2 percent of the GDP on health services. The standard of obesity and other chronic diseases is at 32.4 percent affecting the Life expectancy levels (World Bank publication 2014 11). Rate of substance abuse is also a contributor. Mexico is one of the largest economies with the purchasing power higher. Mexico has over time invested in industrialization with high diversity, large numbers of manufacturing firms and increases in the level of exports. The high industrialization has improved the gross income rate per individuals because of increased employments. The balance in the educational sector in urban and rural areas shows much parity (Lara 121-132). The government allocations in the education sector have since improved the area. Gender equality has since improved, but there are still high levels of imbalance in leadership, pay gap disparities and levels of domestic violence. Life expectancy is far below the world standard set levels due to the low standards of health service provision in the country. The number of health service facilities available for the population is small. Most rural people have difficulty in accessing health

Southwest Airlines Co. †2007 Essay Example for Free

Southwest Airlines Co. – 2007 Essay Southwest Airlines Co. – 2007 Case Analysis On the brink of airlines’ market share battlefield, many of the companies failed to launch new strategies and price controls because of fuel prices, market requirements and safety issues. Along with the history of low price policy that Southwest Airlines started to implement decades ago, the recent challenges and soaring competitive behaviors made that company pass huge obstacles. Southwest Airlines manifested the new growth in Texas air carrier businesses and located itself on the top of carriers’ prime ranking (Southwest Airlines). In this case the concept will be depicted and insights made on that topic. This will be done by starting with the organizational structure of that corporation and classifying many aspects of the entire growth and the difficulties of Southwest ending up with chartings and contribution graphics of company’s activities done last years. By analyzing all the consequences and in-depth research of the financial, hierarchical and structural management of Southwest Airlines, many decisional revelations will be discovered and exposed thoroughly. Theoretically, all the targeted issues that could evolve all the strategic workouts of that company cannot bypass the key solutions without highlighted marks. Southwest Airlines should be more decentralized organization Nowadays, all companies are taking a strategic view on whether or not to decentralize or centralize, and which system is more eligible for them. Centralization of organization is the strategy of assigning and transferring decision-making authority and ability to higher levels. On the contrary, decentralization is the transferring of the latter to the lower levels (Adampieniazek). The first challenge started by an air carrier’s investment adviser, Rollin King, who firmly offered the flight between three big metropolis cities in Texas. Rollin King convinced the organization’s supreme board that by achieving this goal of consequent enlargement of flights in different cities by low-flight-fare strategy, Southwest Airlines can compete against the giant air carriers. Considering that his position was not high enough for typical centralized â€Å"bureaucratic† organization, the decision-making allowance and admittance by the board can be pledged to be in a decentralized shape. In this occasion, launching the new flights took start and year by year increased Southwest’s revenues, opening the broad business opportunity emerged new challenges with other air giants. King’s foreseen assumptions and predictions over the future were profitable to the company his assumptions helped the financial statements annually. The company has had a team spirit approach accumulated throughout the years. The reason for this is the company believes that employees are first, not the customers. Their high efficient labor is objectively being evaluated and participation in decision-making is important. By halting the renovation processes of its headquarter building and delaying to buy new aircrafts Southwest kept all its employees including all benefits, and salaries. From an ethical point of view, the company’s management obtained a huge reputation and respect by its employees and labor organizations. Despite the 20 percent job loss since 2001 in U. S. Airline industry, Southwest kept employing 32,000 employees during any type of difficulties occurred during last couple of years. Making an effort to satisfy customers with low-cost, high efficient and fair quality is one of the Southwest’s main aims. Meanwhile, the have to bear all competitors’ market games and dumping. As a result, air carrier takes care of its precious quantity portion of customers: both permanently and temporarily. Core values and mission statement A mission statement is a statement of main core values, purposes, responsibilities of the organizations. Mission statement, is also an opportunity to characterize the company: who the company is, what the company does, what is it stands for, and why they are doing it. For the company, core values are the values which inform the company on how to reward, guide in making decisions and business processes, as well as, mission statement clarify who the company. They also help to explain why the companies do business the way they do (Southwest Airlines). Expressing the mission statement of Southwest Airlines can preliminarily clarify this company’s mission outlined showoff. The company is aimed to offer their workers a progressive environment in their work with satisfactory prospect for experiencing and growth. Adding to that, innovation and creativity are encompassed for empowering the efficiency of the company. All workers are assured to be treated with the same respect, attitude and concern inside the company. Southwest protected its entire internal strategy in a consecutive order. By keeping almost all the operations aboard despite both company-wide and market-wide financial turndown, Southwest Airlines guaranteed its service enlargement mission for future, even though annual income decreased from 548 mn to 499 mn as of years 2005 and 2006. By handling overall services, Southwest Airlines broadened its operations; accompanying other cities of different states, they derive new goals from their general missions periodically and expand their travelers annually. Continuous enhancements in customer service and relations are always a prime goal of Southwest that is seen in their mission statement (Southwest Airlines). Propose and organizational chart The company gives authority to employees to participate in decision-making. So it turns on that Southwest Airlines is far from centralized structure. Centralized structure is the bureaucratic and all the strategic and organizational issues are solved on the top rank. Therefore, decentralized structured organization then the most befitting organization chart. On the top of the hierarchy is the CEO of Southwest Airlines Gary Kelly. From the hierarchical point of view, Southwest as an organization divided all duties proportionately, from tip to toe, starting from CEO, subordinates, and employees. Considering its decentralized hierarchy, the CEO has two levels of dependants. Inflight and Provisioning Manager controls and maintains all flights, both departures and arrivals from and to the airports. All the law issues, statements, updates and upcoming public affairs are the prime duty of Law, Airports, and Public Affairs Manager. Including both Public Relations and Community Affairs, Customer Relations and Rapid Rewards are subdivisions of Corporate Communications Deputy Management. The Strategy and Planning Department is responsible for all the future strategies, major corporate planning decisions and projects. Vice President of General Counsel is head lawyer of the Southwest Airlines. Purchasing (spare parts, air catering, disposal, airplanes etc. ) department is the main branch of Strategy Planning Department. Recommended Solutions Gradually, keeping its position of low-priced and reliable partner, Southwest Airlines can not only dominate in major cities but it can also expand its target market. For this purpose the company should undock its low-priced policy and revise its state-wide flights. The historical motto of this air carrier is the strategy which is mentioned above. Basically, locating these criteria on board and step-by-step implementing innovative methods for current air carriers’ principals can commonly guarantee its rising reputation and revenues. If company ignores the optimal structured organizational chart then the another option can only be centralized, which does not offer bright perspectives for during the future of the company, as well as, its difficult times, especially when multiple decisions needed. In conclusion, Southwest Airlines, during this economically tied situation, can handle all the financial and corporate difficulties. Southwest Airlines can also hold almost all of its employees in the company and deliver the vital principle throughout its short history. After making thorough research about both the structural and organizational values of the company, it should be mentioned that after a long trail of on-market activities Southwest proved itself both financially and organizationally.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Types of organizational structure

Types of organizational structure What is the definition of an organization? Is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systems they affect and are affected by their environment. A business organization is an individual or group of people that collaborate to achieve certain commercial goals. Some business organizations are formed to earn income for owners. Other business organizations, called nonprofits, are formed for public purposes. These businesses often raise money and utilize other resources to provide or support public programs. The term business organization refers to how a business is structured. The business organization is defined in the bylaws when the business is formed with the name and contact information of those who own and run the company with their roles defined. The bylaws state the purpose of the organization and what it does. A sole proprietorship does not have bylaws because one person owns and controls the business. What is an organizational structure? Is the typically hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority, communications, right and duties of an organisation. Organisational structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows between the different levels of management. A structure depends on the organisations objectives and strategy. In a centralized structure, the top layer of management has most of the decision making power and has tight control over departments and divisions. In a decentralized structure, the decision making power is distributed and the departments and divisions may have different degrees of independence. A company such as Proctor and Gamble that sells multiple products may organize their structure so that groups are divided according to each product and depending on geographical area as well. Organizational structure is a system used to define a hierarchy within an organization. It identifies each job, its function and where it reports to within the organization. This structure is developed to establish how an organization operates and assists an organization in obtaining its goals to allow for future growth. The structure is illustrated using an organizational chart. There are two types of Organizational structure. Formal Structure which is the organisation of business that hierarchical the nature. For a company, formal structure can be found on its organisational chart that includes the staff names and their official job titles. It is easy to understand and to the point is unlike the long drawn out definitions while reading, one do forgets the previous sentence after moving to the next. The other defines the term in its crudest form. A formal organisation structure shows a recognisable chain of command, it also has many levels of management. This makes communication slower and decision making harder to implement. Informal structure Informal structure consists of the social structure of an organisation. It includes the corporate culture, behaviour interactions and social connections which occur within an organisation. Many organisation have a formal, written structure, and a more informal, cultural structure. A good advantage for the informal structure is, it evolves constantly. And it can easily respond quickly in a changing situation. An informal structure is much more relaxed, with very few levels of management. This makes communication much easier between levels and decisions and made faster. Centralization Decentralization Centralization is said to be a process where the concentration of decision making is in a few hands. All the important decision and actions at the lower level, all subjects and actions at the lower level are subject to the approval of top management. According to Allen, Centralization is the systematic and consistent reservation of authority at central points in the organization. For example Company A is run by Stephen Clarkson B. Delgado. Company A is being controlled by a centralized or a top level superior; this is an example of an centralized organization. The implication of centralization can be: Reservation of decision making power at top level. Reservation of operating authority with the middle level managers. Reservation of operation at lower level at the directions of the top level Decentralization is a systematic delegation of authority at all levels of management and in all of the organization. In a decentralization concern, authority in retained by the top management for taking major decisions and framing policies concerning the whole concern. Rest of the authority may be delegated to the middle level and lower level of management. Decentralization is the distributing power and decision making among different people, departments, or locations within an organization. For example, a national retail chain may allow its store managers to make decisions on the merchandise that will be carried in their particular stores. Some benefits decentralization would include decisions are made by those who have the most knowledge about local conditions greater managerial input in decision- making has a desirable motivational effect managers have more control over results Business Structures As a government has different types of organization, Organisations have a formal structure which is the way that the organisation is organised by those with responsibility for managing the organisation. They create the formal structures that enable the organisation to meet its stated objectives. Often these formal structures will be set out on paper in the form of organisational charts. However, in the course of time an informal structure develops in most organisations which is based on the reality of day-to-day interactions between the members of the organisation. This informal structure may be different from that which is set out on paper. Informal structures develop because: people find new ways of doing things which they find easier and save them time patterns of interaction are shaped by friendship groups and other relationships people forget what the formal structures are It is easier to work with informal structures. Sometimes the informal structure may conflict with the formal one. Where this is the case the organisation may become less efficient at meeting its stated objectives. However, in some cases the informal structure may prove to be more efficient at meeting organisational objectives because the formal structure was badly set out. There are two types of Organizational structures Tall Structures Tall organizational structure is one which has many levels of hierarchy. In these organizations, there are usually many managers, and each manager has a small span of control they are in charge of only a small group of people. Tall structures tend to be more complicated and complex, and may be slower to respond to market changes than organizations where managers have a larger span of control. Tall structure has many levels of management and its supervision. Long chain of command is one of it. It means, running from the top of an organisation. The advantage of tall structure is clear management structure, narrow span of control, the function of each layer will be clear and distinct, and a clear progression. Pros and Cons of tall structure The pros of tall structures lie in clarity and managerial control. The narrow span of control allows for close supervision of employees. Tall structures provide a clear, distinct layer with obvious lines of responsibility and control and a clear promotion structure. Challenges begin when a structure gets too tall. Communication begins to take too long to travel through all the levels. These communication problems hamper decision-making and hinder progress. Flat Structures Flat structures have fewer management levels, with each level controlling a broad area or group. Flat organizations focus on empowering employees rather than adhering to the chain of command. By encouraging autonomy and self-direction, flat structures attempt to tap into employees creative talents and to solve problems by collaboration. Pros and cons of flat structure Flat organizations offer more opportunities for employees to excel while promoting the larger business vision. That is, there are more people at the top of each level. For flat structures to work, leaders must share research and information instead of hoarding it. If they can manage to be open, tolerant and even vulnerable, leaders excel in this environment. Flatter structures are flexible and better able to adapt to changes. Faster communication makes for quicker decisions, but managers may end up with a heavier workload. Instead of the military style of tall structures, flat organizations lean toward a more democratic style. The heavy managerial workload and large number of employees reporting to each boss sometimes results in confusion over roles. Bosses must be team leaders who generate ideas and help others make decisions. When too many people report to a single manager, his job becomes impossible. Employees often worry that others manipulate the system behind their backs by rep orting to the boss; in a flat organization, that means more employees distrusting higher levels of authority. Diagram of Tall and Flat Structure Tall structure Diagram 1: Tall structure By: Flat structure Diagram 2: Flat structure By: Span of control Span of control is the term now used more commonly in business management, particularly human resource management. Span of control refers to the number of subordinates a supervisor has. In a business of more than one person, unless the business has equal partners, then there are managers and subordinates. Subordinates are workers controlled by the manager. A hierarchy describes the structure of the management of the business, from the top of the company the managing director, through to the shop floor worker, who reports to their foreman, in a manufacturing business. The hierarchy of a business is usually best understood by drawing an organisation chart showing which levels of management and employees report to whom. An example of a hierarchy is shown in the diagram below: Diagram 3: Span of control Created by: The advantages of a narrow span of control are: A narrow span of control allows a manager to communicate quickly with the employees under them and control them more easily Feedback of ideas from the workers will be more effective It requires a higher level of management skill to control a greater number of employees, so there is less management skill required An example of a wide span of control is shown in the diagram to the right: Diagram 4: Wide span of control By:, (n.d) There are also different types of organizational structure Product Structures An organizational structure is a framework in which companies outline the different responsibilities in their company. A product-based organizational structure separates the company by products, activities, projects or geography. This allows a company to have a particular focus on specific items in its business operations. Organizational structure refers to the different hierarchies or levels in a company. An organizational structure appears as a series of boxes, vertical and horizontal lines. The boxes represent various titles within the organization, and the vertical lines represent to whom that position reports. Horizontal lines show which employees are on the same level. The appearance of an organization structure is usually pyramidal because there are fewer executive-level positions at the top of the company. Advantages and disadvantages: Product-based structures allow companies to remain flexible in the business environment. This allows the company to add or remove structure sections as necessary. However, it can prohibit companies from achieving company-wide goals since each unit operates on its own. product-business-organization-structure.jpg (516ÃÆ'-344) Diagram 5: Product structure By: Geographical structure Organizational structure defines the hierarchy in which an organization will operate. There are many defined types of organizational structure, but some organizations may create their own, or use a combination of several structures to efficiently run business operations. Geographic organizational structure is used for organizations that have offices or business units in different geographic locations. Geographical structure is the firm organized into geographical units (regional, national, international) that report to a central headquarter which administers the core functions such as planning and marketing. example-geographic-org-chart.jpg (600ÃÆ'-159) Diagram 6: Geographical Structure By: Function The term organizational structure refers to how the people in an organization are grouped and to whom they report. One traditional way of organizing people is by function. Some common functions within an organization include production, marketing, human resources and accounting. The classic organizational structure where the employees are grouped hierarchically, managed through clear lines of authority, and report ultimately to one top person. Advantages Some advantages of a functional organization are that the lines of command are clear. Individuals specialize and departments tend to develop common knowledge across the group. There may be an advantage to individuals in that career paths can be fairly easily defined. Disadvantages Disadvantages of the functional organization include poor communication across groups and slow response to changes in the environment. Too much work may be referred upward due to the lack of decision making authority, and serious problems can ensue when groups develop a narrow perspective. Diagram 7: Function Structure By: Multi divisional Companies use organizational structures to characterize their hierarchical and reporting structures. The organizational structure shows the superior-subordinate equations in the organization. A multi-divisional organizational structure is used by large organizations. Here, the scale of operations is very large; hence the number of employees is also very enormous. The company divides all of its strategic functions into departments. All these departments do their share of the allocated work, and all the work is later collated as the organizational tasks. According to the Human Resource Management Guide, a multidivisional organizational structure consists of self-contained units that operate as their own separate entity. For example, Procter and Gamble owns multiple national brand names and creates a self-contained business model and organizational structure for each product. Each brand is given its own corporate identity, leadership and organizational design. Advantages A multidivisional organizational structure promotes motivation among team members because of the performance/reward connection. This structure makes it easy for leadership in the organisation to maintain keen oversight and reward those who perform well. The service provided to customers meets their needs more appropriately because leadership and employees work more closely with customers. There is also clear identity and purpose in this structure that increases team member loyalty, dedication and satisfaction. Disadvantages A multidivisional organizational structure does have some disadvantages. The disadvantages deal directly with external relationships. Although the department itself is very close and possesses a defined identity and purpose, communication between departments can be difficult. Conflict between departments is common due to competition and differences in values, systems and expectations. This structure also costs more to operate and manage because each division is considered its own entity. Diagram 8: Multidivisional diagram By: Matrix Matrix structure is defined as a type of management system in which workers report to more than one person, effectively having two or more supervisors at the same time. This can be illustrated by the example of a project environment, where professionals with different types of expertise are brought together to work on a projects. They report to a number of managers of different projects, as well as to a functional supervisor. The idea is to share knowledge and personnel to maximize effectiveness. The matrix structure is an organizational design that groups employees by both function and product. The organizational structure is very flat, and the structure of the matrix is differentiated into whatever functions are needed to accomplish certain goals. Each functional worker usually reports to the functional heads, but do not normally work directly under their supervision. Instead, the worker is controlled by the membership of a certain project, and each functional worker usually works under the supervision of a project manager. This way, each worker has two superiors, who will jointly ensure the progress of the project. The functional head may be more interested in developing the most exiting products or technologies, whereas the project manager may be more concerned with keeping deadlines and controlling product costs. Advantages The cross functional teams of a matrix structure reduce the functional barriers between departments, and increase the integration of functions. Matrix structures open up for communication, and may provide an opportunity for team members to learn from each other thus distributing valuable knowledge laterally within the organization. The matrix structure makes it possible to assign specialized resources to projects when needed. Disadvantages A matrix structure lacks the effectiveness of bureaucracy, and will potentially not work if the organization does not need to react swiftly to changes The flat hierarchy may be the cause of conflict, and different stakeholders may pursue entirely different goals. The great focus on integration between functional areas requires a great amount of lateral communication, and it may require great resources to get information distributed efficiently between team members. As said before, the use of a matrix structure seems more feasible for organizations operating in business environments characterized by change, dynamism and uncertainty. This could e.g. be organizations operating in high-tech industries such as computing or telecommunication Diagram 9: Matrix Diagram By: Definition of Culture Is the values and behaviours that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. Organizational culture includes an organizations expectations, experiences, philosophy, and values that hold it together, and is expressed in its self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations. It is based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, and written and unwritten rules that have been developed over time and are considered valid. Also called corporate culture. Company culture is the personality of a company and defines what a company, from an employee perspective, is like to work for. Company culture includes the company mission, values, ethics, expectations, goals, and work environment. Whether written as a mission statement, spoken or merely understood, corporate culture describes and governs the ways a companys owners and employees think, feel and act. Your own businesss culture may be based on beliefs spelled out in yo ur mission statement. It could consist in part of a corporate symbol, like the rainbow-colored apple that symbolizes Apple Computer. Whatever shape it takes, your corporate culture plays a big role in determining how well your business will do. There are four types of cultures: Power Is one based on the dominance of one or a small number of individuals within an organisation. They make the key decisions for the organisation. This sort of power culture may exist in a small business or part of a larger business. There are some organizations where the power remains in the hands of only few people and only they are authorized to take decisions. They are the ones who enjoy special privileges at the workplace. They are the most important people at the workplace and are the major decision makers. These individuals further delegate responsibilities to the other employees. In such a culture the subordinates have no option but to strictly follow their superiors instructions. The employees do not have the liberty to express their views or share their ideas on an open forum and have to follow what their superior says. The managers in such a type of culture sometimes can be partial to someone or the other leading to major unrest among others. Role Exists in large hierarchical organisations in which individuals have clear roles (jobs) to perform which are closely specified. Individuals tend to work closely to their job description, and tend to follow the rules rather than to operate in a creative way. Role culture is a culture where every employee is delegated roles and responsibilities according to his specialization, educational qualification and interest to extract the best out of him. In such a culture employees decide what best they can do and willingly accept the challenge. Every individual is accountable for something or the other and has to take ownership of the work assigned to him. Power comes with responsibility in such a work culture. Task Exists when teams are formed to complete particular tasks. A distinct team culture develops, and because the team is empowered to make decisions, task cultures can be creative. Organizations where teams are formed to achieve the targets or solve critical problems follow the task culture. In such organizations individuals with common interests and specializations come together to form a team. There are generally four to five members in each team. In such a culture every team member has to contribute equally and accomplish tasks in the most innovative way. Person There are certain organizations where the employees feel that they are more important than their organization. Such organizations follow a culture known as person culture. In a person culture, individuals are more concerned about their own self rather than the organization. The organization in such a culture takes a back seat and eventually suffers. Employees just come to the office for the sake of money and never get attached to it. They are seldom loyal towards the management and never decide in favour of the organization. One should always remember that organization comes first and everything else later. There are certain organizations where the employees feel that they are more important than their organization. Such organizations follow a culture known as person culture. In a person culture, individuals are more concerned about their own self rather than the organization. The organization in such a culture takes a back seat and eventually suffers. Employees just come to the offi ce for the sake of money and never get attached to it. They are seldom loyal towards the management and never decide in favour of the organization. One should always remember that organization comes first and everything else later. Task 2 Explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business All businesses have Business organization has structures and cultures that have been followed to apply great impact on the productivity of their business. These organizations could have applied either a product structure, Multi-dimensional, Matrix structure etc. And have followed a power type culture or person type culture and so on. Each of these has its own effect and impact on their business. These structures and cultures play an important role of setting the definition of an company, setting their goals and how they could organize its members to meet their goals As The behaviours and beliefs characteristic of a workplace are its culture. The culture and structure of an organization affect one another. A structure appropriate to the organization helps to develop a healthy culture. In companies with rigid structures, communication tends to follow reporting lines. In companies with flatter structures, communication may occur more easily across departments. Studies have found a relationship between job satisfaction and organizational structure. Organizations with flatter structures may foster more feelings of self-actualization and create less anxiety in employees. Relationships with customers may suffer if departmental relationships cause the customer difficulty in getting problems addressed. Multi-functional teams that can answer a customers questions and resolve issues have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Organizational structure impacts the success of a companys projects. If project personnel also perform routine operational work , it may be difficult for them to focus on projects and meet schedules. If the flow of information across departments is difficult, it may affect ability to share resources effectively. Task 3 Look at the factors associated with individual behaviour and discuss how they influence an individuals behaviour at work. Each individuals work has its own effects on organizations. There are many factors on how individual or group goals have affected an organization. These goals could also be the life force of the performance both could be positive or negative depending on how the scenario goes. Either way all these factors are important as a single employees goals and ambition could lead any organization to success if in proper standing and worked on accordingly. Collective goals These are goals that are collected or shared by individual to form a same goal coming from the same ideology. For instance a basketball teams belief in practicing and training other people with the game or making basketball more accessible to others, this could lead their team to complete objectives like win in an inter-basketball tournament, gaining new players and earning more money. Or to simply fulfil the need of its members to gather more players to gain more company and improve their basketball abilities. Within these goals there are many different types of goals as it is shown Ideological Goal, These are the goals or objective that has a connection with an individuals belief and values. These Goals usually are the inspiration of what an individual have for example. An Archery clubs mission or ideological goal is to share to other people their own knowledge of archery. Formal Goals are goals set by an dominant individual, These goals are usually organizational based goals that is set by a higher supremacy. These goals move an organization on how that individual or owner wants his organizations to be. Shares personal goals are goals pursued when the individual members agree and collide with their own individual ideas as missions. These are the goals shared by all individuals of a group to form one centralized mission where they can all complete as a group. Controlled performance Every organization needs to take responsibility to its owners and other stakeholders for the achievement of its collective goals. These goals cannot simple move on its own and needs to be moulded step by step being controlled accordingly so that to ensure the success of their goals and missions. This ensures that All goals whether ideological, formal, or shared personal goals are understood by all members The necessary resources are secures and utilised in such a way that goals will be reached without undue risk, disruption or waste They can tell whether, or to what extent they have reached their goals. This is why all organizations has a centralized management, to ensure that the employees who are working on these goals and mission carry out their individual tasks positively and with no mistake to avoid negative backlashes and effects.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sir Thomas More Essay example -- essays research papers fc

Thomas More was born in Milk Street, London on February 7, 1478, son Sir John More, a prominent judge. He was educated at St Anthony's School in London. As a youth he served as a page in the household of Archbishop Morton, who predecited he would be a "marvellous man."1. More went on to study at Oxford under Thomas Linacre and William Grocyn. During this time, he wrote comedies and studied Greek and Latin literature. One of his first works was an English translation of a Latin biography of the Italian humanist Pico della Mirandola. It was printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1510. Around 1494 More returned to London to study law, was admitted to Lincoln's Inn in 1496, and became a barrister in 1501. Yet More did not automatically follow in his father's footsteps. He was torn between a monastic calling and a life of civil service. While at Lincoln's Inn, he determined to become a monk and subjected himself to the discipline of the Carthusians, living at a nearby monastery and taking part of the monastic life. The prayer, fasting, and penance habits stayed with him for the rest of his life. More's desire for monasticism was finally overcome by his sense of duty to serve his country in the field of politics. He entered Parliament in 1504, and married for the first time in 1504 or 1505. More became a close friend with Desiderius Erasmus (ca. 1466-1536) during the latter's first visit to England in 1499. It was the beginning of a lifelong friendship and correspondence. Th...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Mapuche: People of the Earth Essay -- Papers

The Mapuche: People of the Earth The Mapuche, also known as the Araucano, were said to be the first people in the region south of Chile's Biobio River. Archaeological excavations show evidence of their culture dating back to 12,000 years. They were indigenous people that were inhabited originally in the southern portion of Chile in and around Region IX. They had well developed societies, impressive art, and the people were accomplished warriors. The leader what they call toqui was the Maximum Chief in war, and his power was symbolized by an engraved stone hatchet. The Spanish never successfully conquered the Mapuche. They were the only Hispano American nation hat was never vanquished. The Spanish captain won many battles before dying in the battle against the Mapuche. Although the Spanish had better weapons, the Mapuche observed the Spanish style of fighting, and took from it and were able to use what they gathered to help them win. However The Chileans defeated them after 30 years of constant war. In 1883 Chile beg an deposing Mapuches of land, eventually ceding 428,000 hectares, ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Realism and/ or modernism Essay

Marlow seems to alienate himself from urban society in favour of a wasteland. However, it can be said that this was a positive sacrifice. The Africans may have seen the modern bureaucratic Europe as a sterile and materialistic wasteland. Here we see Conrad prompting the reader to reassess his or her own opinions and interpretations of Africa. Conrad has been accredited with writing a ‘Harrowing Critique of Western Colonialism’. This is not only due to his explicit exposure of the atrocities of European colonialism but also his cunning use of vocabulary. He refers to the ‘merry dance of death and trade’ (p. 31) as well as an ‘inhabited devastation’ (p. 32) when illustrating the horrors of the colonisation of Africa by Europe. ‘Heart of Darkness’ was written at a time when Africa was entirely carved up and shared out between a number of European countries. Conrad seems to be exposing the predatory nature of these countries and their attitudes towards colonisation, and particularly focuses on the Belgian Congo. He does not however, entirely condemn colonisation. He does not suggest any alternative, nor does he suggest that African natives are capable of running their own country. Marlow does not make any attempt to understand the African culture, nor does he consider them as equals. Africa is seen very much as an antithesis to Europe, and therefore to civilisation. Even the title of the novella â€Å"Heart of Darkness† presents Africa as an uncivilized and primitive land, and could be accused of dehumanizing and dispersonalising Africa. Marlow views what is happening to the African natives from a distance and although he does respond to their treatment by the colonisers he does not react in any way. He claims he is on a â€Å"heavenly mission to civilize†(21). It therefore seems as though Conrad views the colonisation as a civilising robbery, but includes very little discussion of the social or economic effects of the expansion of Europe. It is not only Conrad’s presentation of the African natives that is modernistic. Women are also viewed in very different ways throughout the novel. Kurtz’s intended is depicted as a typical Victorian woman. Marlow feels that he must look after her, and therefore protects her from the truth about Kurtz. Conrad’s description of African women creates a great contrast. Here Conrad creates an image of a much stronger character. However, although African women seem to be presented as much more powerful and capable, the entire novella is written through the eyes of a male, and the entire focus is on male experience. There is much evidence of Conrad’s exploration of the Eastern world in ‘Heart of Darkness’. It is however, his examination of the inner life that is most evident. The image of the ‘black fellows’ rowing the boats is described by Conrad as ‘a momentary contact with reality’ (p. 30) implying that all humans share a common spiritual heritage. This presents ‘Heart of Darkness’ as a cross-cultural almost mythical journey, suggesting that racial archetypes emerge only in dreams and myths. Modernists were also concerned with reassessing the ordinary and the everyday, and often invited the reader to reconsider their text. In ‘Heart of Darkness’ there are a number of adjectives used to describe the coast; ‘smiling, frowning, inviting, grand, mean, inspired or savage’ (p. 29). This is not a traditional presentation of a coastline, and the almost contradictory list prompts the reader to reassess his or her own interpretation of the coast. The presentation of the edge of the ‘colossal jungle’ as a ‘ruled line’ (p. 29) is another modernistic feature of Conrad’s work, as it was not previously common to view natural creations in such scientific or geometric ways. This once again causes the reader to re-evaluate the text as well as their own perception of the ordinary and everyday. A sense of vision and perspective was of great significance to modernist writers. Marlow’s vision of the various ‘trading places’ passed on his journey is a thoroughly modernistic one. The place names are listed before being described as belonging to ‘some sordid farce’ (p. 30). This is not only a slightly unusual presentation, once again prompting the reader to reassess the ordinary; it also gives a great insight into Marlow’s, and indeed Conrad’s own vision and perception of the outside world. Modernist writers often presented the world as desolate, and Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ is no exception. Marlow describes his ‘isolation’ within a ‘mournful and senseless delusion’ (p. 30), and the coast is illustrated as ‘formless’ bordered by ‘dangerous surf’ (p. 31). Marlow’s journey is at one point described as a ‘weary pilgrimage amongst hints for nightmares’ (p. 31). This all seems to help create the common modernist image of a desolate world. Although Conrad does not celebrate the state of the modern world, he, like so many modernist writers, was concerned with honoring the creativity of language. His presentation of ‘insanity’ is followed by a glorious use of vocabulary; ‘lugubrious drollery’. His description of the ‘black fellows’ is also somewhat creative. He describes their faces as ‘grotesque masks’ and illustrates the ‘glistening’ (p. 30) whites of their eyeballs seen from afar. The inhabited devastation is described as ‘drowned’ in a ‘blinding sunlight’ (p. 32). Both the words, ‘blinding’ and ‘drowning’ have negative connotations and are used here to create the desolate negative image of the modern world Conrad was keen to present. This ‘recrudescence of glare’ (p. 32) created by Conrad is an incredibly creative use of language and vocabulary. Not only through the content of his text, but also through the use of his vocabulary and narrative, Conrad has created in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† an exemplary Modern Text. Its exposure of the precarious bases of civilisation and its sceptical inquiry into what sustains value and meaning to human life are typical modernist traits. The political and social subject matters of â€Å"Heart of Darkness†; imperialism and colonialism, race and gender have proved increasingly controversial in the course of the twentieth century, and this is why the novella has received so much criticism and analysis. Bibliography. Ackroyd, Peter, 2000. The Times. Barry, Peter, 1995 (2002). Beginning Theory, Manchester: Manchester University Press. Brooks, Peter. Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1984 Conrad, Joseph, 1902 (1995). Heart of Darkness, London: Penguin Classics Hampson, Robert, 2000. Heart of Darkness, The Congo Diary, London: Penguin Classics. Student number: 200404375 Year: One Tutor: Richard Capes Module: Introduction to Modern Literature 14107 Essay 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad section.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hr Live Project on Job Satisfaction & Employee Satisfaction

AMITY UNIVERSITY AMITY INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL(AIBS) PROjECT REPORT ON Job Satisfaction & Employee satisfaction AT Areva T&D India Ltd. , Noida SUBMITTED TO: Ms. CHITRA KRISHNAN GROUP MEMBERS * PRIYAL AGARWAL(A1802012201) * JAMSHED SHABIR() * GARIMA ARORA() * HARSH GOEL() * ASHISH TANWAR() sECTION- C MBA-IB Introduction In the present scenario of business world the only thing that is confirmed is change. Competent employees will not remain competent forever.Their skills can deteriorate; technology may make their skills obsolete; the organization may move into new areas changing the type of jobs that exist and the skills necessary to do them. Human Resource is the discipline which drives business competitiveness by identifying that constant change in the business trends, hence need for constant up gradation of the employee’s skills and implementing it with a variety of methods and training programs. Quality without creativity is meaningless as changes grow ever more unpre dictable creativity is rapidly becoming recognized a core management skill.Today’s business environment demands that manager posses a wide range of knowledge skills and competencies, as well as sound understanding of management process and function. Managers need to be able to make best use of their time, talent and of other people to work with and through others to achieve corporate objectives. They also need to demonstrate their ability not merely to solve problems, but to transform them and design ways through them. This report concerns job satisfaction level and organizational climate, which are the important function in every organization.AREVA, World energy expert, offers its customer technological solutions for highly reliable nuclear power generation and electricity transmission and distribution. With manufacturing facilities in 43 countries and a sales network in more than 100, AREVA offers customers reliable technological solutions for CO2- free power generation and electricity transmission and distribution. AREVA is the world leader in nuclear power and the only company to cover all industrial activities in this field.AREVA business help meet the 21st century’s greatest challenges: making energy available to all, protecting the planet, and acting responsible toward future generation. As a solution provider, AREVA T&D bring together and optimizes capabilities from different disciplines, T&D business and third party suppliers, to address customers’ specific problem, however complex, and add value to their business. The overall project report provides analysis of Job satisfaction and employee satisfaction in Areva T&D India Ltd, Noida.The employees of Areva T&D India Ltd have different attitude towards organization. There are different dimensions through which we can analyze the attitude of the employees of the organization. COMPANY profile AREVA, World energy expert, offers its customer technological solutions for highly reliable nuclear power generation and electricity transmission and distribution. With manufacturing facilities in 43 countries and a sales network in more than 100, AREVA offers customers reliable technological solutions for CO2- free power generation and electricity transmission and istribution. AREVA is the world leader in nuclear power and the only company to cover all industrial activities in this field. AREVA business help meet the 21st century’s greatest challenges: making energy available to all, protecting the planet, and acting responsible toward future generation. AREVA T&D INDIA AREVA T&D is a worldwide specialist in Transmission & Distribution. We design, manufacture and supply a complete range of products, systems and services for all stages in the transfer of electricity from generator to the large end user.We are pioneers in the field of Protection & Control with a proven track record of over eight decades. Our team of T&D engineers is the largest team dedicated to T&D solutions. About 75% of the country’s load flow is managed by our Energy Management Systems.. AREVA T&D’s products and systems serve to transmit and distribute electricity, ensure the reliability, quality and safety of energy flows, as well as operate efficient networks through information management.AREVA T&D offers a global response to customer’s service needs delivered by locally based resources in the areas of: * Network consulting & equipment expertise and diagnosis. * Erection, commissioning and supervision. * Maintenance, including spares management. * Repair and emergency support. * Renovation and refurbishment. * Operation and asset management. * Training. As a solution provider, AREVA T&D bring together and optimizes capabilities from different disciplines, T&D business and third party suppliers, to address customers’ specific problem, however complex, nd add value to their business. AREVAT&D enhance customers’ capabilities by bringing to them answers developed by market segments, through best practices and industry-specific expertise in: * Power Engineering * Distribution Power * Oil & Gas * Water * Pulp & Glass * Railways * Mining & Metals At AREVA T&D, innovation is key to successfully differentiating and continuously gaining market share. The company spends 3% of sales (150 Million) on research and development. This allocation is then used for each of the regions, where AREVA T&D has business activities.India is a key region for allocation of such Research & Development funds. AREVA T&D currently employs over 4300 people in India across 8 manufacturing Units and 22 Sales Offices. Your Company has been trend-setter in the field of high voltage switchgear and was the first to build the 765 kV Sub-station in India with National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) at SIPAT, Chhattisgarh. Around 70% of power flow in India’s transmission grids is managed by AREVA T&D’s Automation solutions.Your Comp any has to its credit a complete range of T&D Products, Systems, Services and Automation solutions. Areva Joint Venture AREVA’s Transmission and Distribution division has announced today the signing of an agreement to form a 50/50 joint venture with the Russian company, United Company RUSAL (UC RUSAL), the world’s largest producer of aluminum. The joint venture will become the preferred supplier for turnkey projects, electrical equipment and services in the T&D field for UC RUSAL’s plants and is expected to generate $500 million in orders over the next five years.Through this partnership, UC RUSAL will secure key competencies to support its fast growing production capacity. For AREVA, partnering with UC RUSAL will enable the company to strengthen its position on the booming electro-intensive industries market, and to further develop its activities in Russia. AREVA has longstanding experience and expertise in developing high direct current electricity supply syst ems for aluminum production sites around the world. In 2006, it designed and installed such a customized electrical system for UC RUSAL’s Sayanogorsk site in Siberia.Philippe Guillemot, Chairman and CEO of AREVA’s Transmission and Distribution division, said: â€Å"This new partnership is in line with our strategy to reinforce our presence on the industries market. It also illustrates our strong commitment to support UC RUSAL’s development strategy by ensuring its secure access to key competencies in the electrical field. † More about with manufacturing facilities in 41 countries and a sales network in more than 100 countries, AREVA offers customers reliable technological solutions for CO2-free power generation and electricity transmission and distribution.We are the world leader in nuclear power and the only company to cover all industrial activities in this field. Our 61,000 employees are committed to continuous improvement on a daily basis, making sust ainable development the focal point of the group’s industrial strategy. AREVA’s businesses help meet the 21st century’s greatest challenges:   making energy available to all, protecting the planet, and acting responsibly towards future generations. AREVA's T;D division is an active player around the globe.It designs, manufactures and supplies a complete range of equipment, systems and services for all stages in the transfer of electricity, from the generator to the large end-user. global presence We are one of the world's leading T&D companies. We have over 25,000 employees located in more than 30 countries, with a dedicated sales force serving customers in over 100 countries. AREVA NP  is the world leader in the design and construction of nuclear power plants and research reactors, engineering, instrumentation and control, modernization, maintenance and repair services, component manufacture and supply of nuclear fuel.The jointly-owned company is headquarte red in Paris, with regional subsidiaries in the U. S. and Germany. AREVA has a 66% and Siemens a 34% stake in AREVA NP. VISION AND MISSION Vision AREVA is to make the high profile of company and to create the brand name in the whole words. Their best products are for transmission and distribution. Mission At AREVA they face new and exciting challenges every day as they support the needs of customers. But there’s also a bigger picture to career.Businesses help to meet the needs of the great endeavors of the 21st century – making energy available to all, protecting the planet, and acting responsibly for future generations. It’s a vision that includes innovating cleaner, safer, and more attainable energy to drive economies, develop cultures, and deepen life experiences. LOCATION DETAILS AREVA T&D INDIA LIMITED. is located at Allahabad which is in the heart of the city where service is easily available for all customer and easy access compare with other place that a vailable in city. Location has major impact on success or failure of operation.Advantages of this type of location are that service cost and distribution cost is minimum comparison with other place. The major investor service centers of Transformer & Distribution are as below. Our study is on its location in Noida. LAYOUT DETAILS There is a plan of all the act of planning & optimum arrangement of planning including flow of man & material and customer, operating equipment, storage space, material handling equipments and all other supporting services along with the design of best structure to contain all these facilities.PLANNING AND CONTROL It is useful for effective utilization of resources, to achieve organization goal and objectives with respect to quality service, cost control timely service to co-ordinate with other department to ensure continuous quality service. There is a proper planning and planning with respect to which type of scheme to be introduced, what are expenses of R&D for finding out feasibility of that scheme, how many people will work on that particular job, before introducing new scheme.There is special research department for carrying out the analysis of market and there is a fund manager who carries out all planning for investing in various sector and he is also responsible for controlling the cost of transaction so that it can give return to investors. PRODUCTION & MAINTENANCE The production engineers ensure that the level of production complies with customer requirements, test and maintain the facilities. AREVA is looking for young professionals who are keen to face technical challenges in the field, and to get involved in team management. ————————————————-IMPROVEMENT & PROTECTION AREVA’s line of business is highly demanding in terms of quality, safety and environmental preservation. Those working in these fields are o f major importance to the group and contribute to its overall performance. As a result, the professions linked to these fields have a very important place within the group, and contribute to the company's overall performance. ————————————————- CUSTOMER SUPPORT AND SATISFACTION AREVA manages and develops technical and industrial solutions to meet customer requirements.Our sales engineers develop and maintain customer relations, prepare bids, negotiate and manage contracts and offer after-sales service. The role of the sales engineers is to develop and maintain customer relations. Prepare offers, negotiate and manage contracts and provide after-sales service. MANAGEMENT ; DEVELOPMENT Like other companies that work in complex fields and very different countries, AREVA uses its support activities to promote the strategic and functional development of the group. All of its exec utives and managers use expert skills to carry out their duties.JOB SATISFACTION Job satisfaction is how content an individual is with his or her job. Scholars and human resource professionals generally make a distinction between affective job satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction. Affective job satisfaction is the extent of pleasurable emotional feelings individuals have about their jobs overall, and is different to cognitive job satisfaction which is the extent of individuals’ satisfaction with particular facets of their jobs, such as pay, pension arrangements, working hours, and numerous other aspects of their jobs.Job satisfaction is a subjective, personal state perceived by the individual as being in his favor. It is the result of various attitudes possessed by worker. In a narrow sense, these attitudes are related to the job and conditions, advancement opportunities, and recognition of abilities, fair residual of grievances and other similar items. FACTORS AFFECTI ON JOB SATISFACTION * Working Conditions Because employees spend so much time in their work environment each week, it's important for companies to try to optimize working conditions.Such things as providing spacious work areas rather than cramped ones, adequate lighting and comfortable work stations contribute to favorable work conditions. Providing productivity tools such as upgraded information technology to help employees accomplish tasks more efficiently contributes to job satisfaction as well. * Opportunity for Advancement Employees are more satisfied with their current job if they see a path available to move up the ranks in the company and be given more responsibility and along with it higher compensation.Many companies encourage employees to acquire more advanced skills that will lead to the chance of promotion. Companies often pay the cost of tuition for employees taking university courses, for example. During an employee's annual performance review, a supervisor should map out a path showing her what she needs to accomplish and what new skills she needs to develop in order to be on a track to advancement within the organization. * Workload and Stress Level Dealing with a workload that is far too heavy and deadlines that are impossible to reach can cause job satisfaction to erode for even the most dedicated employee.Falling short of deadlines results in conflict between employees and supervisors and raises the stress level of the workplace. Many times, this environment is caused by ineffective management and poor planning. The office operates in a crisis mode because supervisors don't allow enough time for employees to perform their assigned tasks effectively or because staff levels are inadequate. * Respect from Co-Workers Employees seek to be treated with respect by those they work with. A hostile work environment — with rude or unpleasant coworkers — is one that usually has lower job satisfaction. * Relationship with SupervisorsEffect ive managers know their employees need recognition and praise for their efforts and accomplishments. Employees also need to know their supervisor's door is always open for them to discuss any concerns they have that are affecting their ability to do their jobs effectively and impeding their satisfaction at the office. * Financial Rewards Job satisfaction is impacted by an employee's views about the fairness of the company wage scale as well as the current compensation she may be receiving. Companies need to have a mechanism in place to evaluate employee performance and provide salary increases to top performers.Opportunities to earn special incentives, such as bonuses, extra paid time off or vacations, also bring excitement and higher job satisfaction to the workplace. EMPLOYEE SATSFACTION Employee satisfaction is essential to the success of any business. A high rate of employee contentedness is directly related to a lower turnover rate. Thus, keeping employees’ satisfied wit h their careers should be a major priority for every employer. While this is a well-known fact in management practices, economic downturns like the current one seem to cause employers to ignore it.There are numerous reasons why employees can become discouraged with their jobs and resign, including high stress, lack of communication within the company, lack of recognition, or limited opportunity for growth. Management should actively seek to improve these factors if they hope to lower their turnover rate. Even in an economic downturn, turnover is an expense best avoided. Employee satisfaction surveys provide the information needed to improve levels of productivity, job satisfaction, and loyalty. Organizations can identify the root causes of job issues and create solutions for improvements with an accurate perspective of employee views.There is a direct link between employee job satisfaction and financial results. The happier your employees are the more motivated and committed they wi ll be to your organization’s success. RESEARCH METHODOLOGEY Research is in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Well, all possess the vital instinct of inquisitiveness for, when the unknown confronts, we wonder and our inquisitiveness makes us probe and attain full data and fuller understanding of the unknown, can be termed as research.Research comprises defining and redefining problem, suggesting solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusion and at lest carefully testing the conclusion. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine the relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure. In fact the research design is the conceptual structure within research is conducted, if it constitutes the blueprints f or the collection measurement and the analysis of the data. DATA COLLECTIONBoth primary as well as the secondary data have their own importance, and I have collected data from primary as well as secondary sources, but how ever in my project work I have focused more on primary data. As stated, the primary data as collected with the help of questionnaire comprising of by questions. All the employees that constituted sample were approached individually. Secondary data was collected from Areva T&D India Ltd. by: * books * Journals * Websites * Internet * Other sources. SAMPLING A sample size of 50 employees (Male & Female both) working in Areva T&D India Ltd. ere taken into consideration. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE The target group comprised the employees of Areva T&D India Ltd. the sample was distributed in equal ratio both male and female officer. The respondents were selected randomly from HRD in Areva T&D India Ltd. QUESTIONNAIRE Name  : AGE:GENDER: QUALIFICATION:EXPERIENCE: GRADE:DEPARTM ENT: YEARS OF SERVICE: The statements that follow are related to company, organization, organization climate and their job. Kindly indicate the extent to which you agree with each statement by encircling any of the following options: * 1 Strongly Agree * 2 Agree 3 Disagree * 4 Strongly Disagree Q1. Areva T&D India Ltd. is a good company to work in? | 1 2 3 4| Q2. The salary provided to you is competitive with those of other companies? | 1 2 3 4| Q3. Monetary benefits such as bonus, allowances etc. , are provided to you according to the industries practice. | 1 2 3 4| Q4. Are you provided with sufficient opportunities for personal growth by the company? | 1 2 3 4| Q5. Is the job assigned to you according to your qualification and caliber? | 1 2 3 4| Q6. Does your job make the best use of your abilities? 1 2 3 4| Q7. Is your career growth in the company commensurate with your skill? | 1 2 3 4| Q8. Is Adequate job security provided to you by the company? | 1 2 3 4| Q9. Do you feel that you have contributed in accomplishing the organization climate goal? | 1 2 3 4| Q10. Do you involve yourself in your work? | 1 2 3 4| Q11. Do you feel proud by doing the important work in this organization? | 1 2 3 4| Q12. Are adequate responsibilities provided to you for your personal and organizational growth? | 1 2 3 4| Q13. Do you feel that your work load is challenging but not burdensome? 1 2 3 4| Q14. Are your working conditions congenial to perform the task assigned to you? | 1 2 3 4| Q15. Does your team member equally contribute for each other's goals? | 1 2 3 4| Q16. Are the people you are working with highly motivating and hard working? | 1 2 3 4| Q17. Are your colleagues are cordial to you in the organization? | 1 2 3 4| Q18. Are your subordinates loyal to you? | 1 2 3 4| Q19. Do you feel to tell your boss what you think? | 1 2 3 4| Q20. Does the response from your boss create confidence in your work? | 1 2 3 4| graphical data interpretationsQ1) Areva T;D India Ltd. is a good company to work in? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 14| 14| Agree| 10| 9| Disagree | 1| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 1| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-95% Agreed working men-90% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-92. 5% * Analysis:- Almost all employees agree that Areva T;D India Ltd. is a good company to work with. There were hardly any employees disagreeing with the statement. This shows that Areva T;D has a good environment where employees are willing to work. Q2) The salary provided to you is competitive with those of other companies? Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 14| 12| Agree| 10| 11| Disagree | 1| 2| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-95% Agreed Working Men-95% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-95% * Analysis:- 95% employees have agreed that the salary provided to them is comparable with those of similarly placed industries which show that the employees are very much satisfied with the basic salary provided to them by the organiza tion. Q3) Monetary benefits such as bonus, allowances etc. , are provided to you according to the industries practice. | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 12|Agree| 11| 13| Disagree | 1| 0| Strongly Disagree| 2| 0| Others | 1| 0| * Response:- Agreed working Women-100% Agreed Working Men-81% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-90. 5% * Analysis:- 100% female employees feel that the monetary benefits like bonus, allowances provided by the company are in accordance into industries practice whereas only 81% male employees have agreed with female employees. Q4) Are you provided with sufficient opportunities for personal growth by the company. | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 11| Agree| 11| 13| Disagree | 1| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 1| 1| * Response:-Agreed Working Women-90% Agreed Working Men-83% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-86. 5% * Analysis:- Majority of employees believe that there are growth opportunities available in the company. This helps to retain the employees in the organ ization and also to reduce the employee turnover of the company. Q5) Is the job assigned to you according to your qualification and caliber? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 11| Agree| 10| 9| Disagree | 3| 2| Strongly Disagree| 0| 1| Others | 2| 2| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-86% Agreed Working Men-80% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-83% * Analysis:- It appears that ? f women employees feel that they are assigned the jobs in accordance to their qualification and caliber whereas 80% men agree that their jobs have been assigned in accordance to their qualification and caliber. Thus, according to us for future aspects the human resource manager should see that he is able to provide the employees the work they excel in. Q6) Does your job makes the best use of your abilities? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 12| Agree| 11| 8| Disagree | 4| 4| Strongly Disagree| 0| 1| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-80% Agreed Working Men-84% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-82% * Anal ysis:-Comparatively, less percentage of respondents feel that their abilities are not properly utilized or cashed by the company for performing jobs. Hence, it is a very good sign for the organization. Q7) Is your career growth in the company commensurate with your skill? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 11| Agree| 11| 12| Disagree | 1| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 3| 1| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-92% Agreed Working Men-86% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-88% * Analysis:- 92% women feel that their growth in the organization is in accordance with the skills they possess whereas 86% men agreed with this statement.This perhaps reveal that men are more satisfied related to their skill applied and their job position as compared to women. Q8) Is Adequate job security provided to you by the company? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 13| 14| Agree| 12| 11| Disagree | 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-100% Agreed Working Men-100% Aggr egate Agreed Percentage-100% * Analysis:- Each agreed employee feels secure on the job in Areva T;D India Ltd and through this we can analyze that the employee turnover rate in the company would be very less.Q9) Do you feel that you have contributed in accomplishing the organization climate goal? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 11| Agree| 11| 10| Disagree | 2| 3| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women:-87. 5% Agreed Working Men:- 90% Aggregate Agreed Percentage:-88. 75% * Analysis:- Company has achieved its goal with proper contribution of both male and female employees and this is supported by 87. 5% women and 90% men. It also reveals that the self analysis of employees is in tune with the organization’s achievements. Q10) Do you involve yourself in your work. Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 13| 16| Agree| 12| 9| Disagree | 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-100% Agreed Working Men-100% Aggrega te Agreed Percentage-100% * Analysis:- All male and female employees respond that they involve themselves in their work i. e. they are sincere towards their work which is a healthy point in the organization. Q11) Do you feel proud by doing the important work in this organization? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 13| 14| Agree| 12| 11| Disagree | 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:-Agreed working Women-100% Agreed Working Men-100% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-100% * Analysis:- Majority of employee’s favor that they are holding the important task in this organization and they are performing them very proudly. Thus we can analyze that the level of job satisfaction is high. Q12) Are adequate responsibilities provided to you for your personal and organizational growth? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 6| 10| Agree| 14| 12| Disagree | 5| 2| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 1| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-88% Agreed Working Men-80% Aggregate Agreed Percen tage-84% * Analysis:- 8% of the working women employees and 80% of men have agreed with the statement that the responsibilities provided to them for their personal and organizational growth are adequate. We can analyze that the company is maintaining a high level of employee satisfaction. Q13) Do you feel that your work load is challenging but not burdensome? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 8| 10| Agree| 12| 11| Disagree | 2| 3| Strongly Disagree| 2| 1| Others | 1| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women:-86% Agreed Working Men-80% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-83% * Analysis:- 86% of female employees and 80% of male employees of Areva T;D India Ltd. re enjoying their job as a challenge, and do not feel that their work is burden on them. This reveals that officers by and large are ready to perform challenging jobs. Q14) Are your working conditions congenial to perform the task assigned to you? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 11| 12| Agree| 13| 10| Disagree | 1| 3| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0 | Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed working women-88% Agreed Working Men-96% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-92% * Analysis:- 92% of respondents feel that Areva T;D India Ltd. provides favorable working conditions to perform different task.This is one of the reasons behind high level of performance that the employees have been giving. Q15) Does your team members equally contribute for each other's goals.? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 13| Agree| 11| 11| Disagree | 2| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed working women-96% Agreed Working Men-92% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-94% * Analysis:- Majority of employees agree to the fact that there is proper team work and understanding amongst the employees of Areva T&D Ltd. for achieving the goals. This also reveals that the goals of the organization and the employees are aligned.Q16) Are the people you are working with highly motivating and hard working.? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 11| Agree| 12| 9| Disa gree | 2| 3| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 2| 1| * Response:- Agreed working women-84% Agreed Working Men-84% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-84% * Analysis:- Encouragement and motivation to work hard and to perform with rigor in Areva T&D India ltd. is supported by 84% of male and female employees. This reveals that the organizational climate in Areva T&D Ltd. is motivating for the employees, and also that supervision and leadership in the organization is par satisfactory.Q17) Are your colleagues are cordial to you in the organization? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 13| Agree| 11| 10| Disagree | 4| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 1| * Response:- Agreed working women-92% Agreed Working Men-84% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-88% * Analysis:- Majority of employees agree that their colleagues are cordial to them. This reveals that by and large there is no conflict amongst employees and good spirit exists among employees irrespective of gender and the responsibilities assigned . Q18) Are your subordinates loyal to you? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 5| 9| Agree| 13| 12|Disagree | 2| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 5| 3| * Response:- Agreed working women-84% Agreed Working Men-72% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-78% * Analysis:- 84% of female employees feel that their subordinates are loyal to them, where as in the case of male employees the sense dependence is only 72%. This reveals that there might be some dissatisfaction in the minds of the supervisors towards their subordinates, and also that the employees are not satisfied with the leadership skills of the supervisors. Q19) Do you feel to tell your boss what you think? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 5| 11|Agree| 15| 12| Disagree | 2| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 3| 1| * Response:- Agreed working women-92% Agreed Working Men-80% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-86% * Analysis:- A very good percentage of respondents say that there is openness in Areva T&D India Ltd. , as they are free to discuss t heir problems and suggestions with their boss. It reveals that there is an open door policy in Areva T&D Ltd. and freedom to express their ideas. This also shows that the flow of communication in the organization is very good and supportive, as opportunities are provided to the employees to express themselves.Q20) Does the response from your boss creates confidence in your work? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 11| Agree| 13| 12| Disagree | 1| 2| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 1| 0| * Response:- Agreed working women-92% Agreed Working Men-92% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-92% * Analysis:- A good percentage of employees feel that their boss is having encouraging motivating personality whose response builds confidence in their work. This shows that the leadership, direction and motivation skills of the managers are par satisfactory. FINDINGS It is found that more number of employees both women and men are satisfied with the benefits and incentives provided to them in Areva T&D Ind ia Ltd. * It is found that both men and women equally agree that the salary provided to them is comparable to the industry and satisfied with their company. * Majority of men and women agree that proper oppurtunities are available in the industry. * It is found that the majority of women feel that they have contributed in accomplishing in company’s goal as compared to men. * It is found that most of men feel that their team members contribute equally for each others goal. It is found that all the empolyees agree that they have maintained a good team spirit amongst them. * It is found that more percentage of men employees feel that the job assigned to them is according to their qualification and caliber than women employees. LIMITATIONS of the study * There is a limited sample size i. e. only 50 which is small because the aim of the study was to look into difference in the responces of male and female employees. However, the number of working female employees were less as comp ared to the male employees in the organisation and the data was collected in equal ratio from both males as well as females. As the questionnaire was distributed amongest various employees of Areva T&D India Ltd. few of the employees were hasitant in answering the questionaries. * Some of the employees in Areva T&D India Ltd. were given enough time to answer to questionnaire but still they were not able to do the required. * Some employees did not respond few questions because they were not sure about the answer as the questionair was in the objective form. * A very busy as well as hectic scedule was prevalent which was an obstruction.