Monday, September 30, 2019

Nursing Accountability in Relationship Essay

In this paper, I will review and implement recommendations based on the findings of the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) regarding the training of hospital staff to respond to a mass casualty incident (MCI). I will give examples and situations that can affect the effectiveness of proper training and responses to a traumatic event in our city, county, state, or country. For years, hospitals have contemplated the possibility of a mass casualty incident (MCI). Federal agencies planning and responding to these events have determined that it would be overwhelming and catastrophic to any community. The resources would not be sufficient to absorb the needs and requirements for help. These events can be naturally occurring or manmade, for example, hurricane season and tornado season in Texas can be predicted with accuracy. In the West coast, we have constant planning and preparation for the next big earthquake even though we do not know with accuracy when it would be. During hurricane Katrina, we had an excellent opportunity to witness how prepared a city is, and how hospitals can easily be overwhelmed by a massive influx of patients. Examples can be given worldwide, but for the purpose of simplicity we will not elaborate further. Never before have we experienced more threats than in the past few years starting from the Oklahoma City bombing and the 911 attacks as the most horrific examples to site. More and more we have seen our fears become our realities and our vulnerabilities, and this is what has made us rethink our strategies and training for proper response to chemical, radiological, or biological threats. Findings The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires that hospitals implement and test proper hospital response training twice a year. My hospital, BAMC, a military hospital, has complied with the training and has made significant contributions to the evolution and preparedness in response to a potential or actual event. The military has always been an integral part in training and preparation in regards to logistics and coordination of available resources, but even the best trained or better equipped hospitals cannot compensate for the impact it has on its employees, particularly nurses. Nurses take part and are an important aspect of training and preparation, and they are essential in the response to a crisis or trauma. Working in the emergency department, I often question myself as to how is it that we can train and prepare every year for a mass casualty incident (MCI) when I can see how easily we get overrun and in total disarray. Our hospital is currently capable of taking up to four major traumas all at the same time, but the reality is that even under the best staffed days we get overwhelmed, resourcing quickly to diversion of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) to other hospitals when we have reached maximum capacity. If training then is to prepare us and allow us to be well equipped with the necessary knowledge to perform, why is it that we struggle under small real life case scenarios? The response has to be once again in the level of preparation that each individual nurse takes to be ready to be able to function under very stressful environment. The nurse can be well prepared for future events by performing after action reviews (AAR), which is primordial in determining the stressors and the potential solutions to the problems encountered after each event. Disaster drills are beneficial in the effectiveness of command and control, communication, triage, patient flow, security response, and the roles each practitioner must perform. Recommendations Hospital drills and disaster planning are key and instrumental to make the nurse familiar with his/ her role, as well as the role of all the providers of care and first responders. Proper coordination and adequate allocation of resources are essential. The nurse can be instrumental in his/her flexibility and ability to adapt to different roles under extremely chaotic circumstances. Also, nurses are important for the delegation of tasks and coordination of duties to be taken to stabilize the emergency department for the proper movement of patients arriving and departing. The nurse plays an integral role in the transporting of patient, triage, and treatment of the injured. Properly identifying those who are very critical (expectant, life threatening), and those who are stable and can still function (broken bones, laceration, psychological issues) allows the provider to render the proper and efficient care. The nurse needs to have clear communication with the rest of the staff at every level of the disaster event in order to function and coordinate efficiently. Good documentation needs to be implemented. Nurses need to remain creative in finding ways to document what has been done to a patient with regards of his or her care. In a war zone, we can document key components of patient treatment on the uniforms of soldiers, and the same can be done with civilian population in the absence of computers or charting for short periods of time. Another important aspect is the transport of first aid equipment and supplies as soon as the disaster is identified, including body bags, stretchers, wheelchairs, crutches, splints, IV solutions, blood products, antibiotics, and plenty of analgesics and narcotics. Keeping an adequate number of chaplains, counselors, and security is imperative for the emergency department to maintain order under the chaos and stress. Summary In conclusion, the registered nurse needs to be ever vigilant of the realities of our current situations of the world. Today, more than ever with ongoing climate changes and unpredictable massive storms, tornados, earthquakes, and the impending threats created by man, we are always at risk for an (MCI). Keeping a good understanding of the preparation and the steps to take, and knowing his or her role the nurse can be reassured that he/she will be ready for the unpredictable and often unthinkable. References Training of Hospital Staff to Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 95 Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); July 2004 http://angel03. gcu. edu/section/default. asp? id=705202 Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) St. John West Shore Hospital, MCI Overview http://www. emsconedonline. com/pdfs/EMT-Mass%20Casualty%20Incident-an%20overview-Trauma. pdf

Сhapter of autobiography

Now we have reached October 2004. From this date to the present, I am still greatly affected about what has happened to my family and I. Although October was the month in which my pain and heartache started, two years later on Saturday 24th June 2006 was the day that many things ended. Equally, it was the day that many other things and experiences begun. Monday 11th October 2004 â€Å"Come on Bex, up you get.† â€Å"Yeah, ok mum, just five more minutes. Please?† â€Å"No. Now!† With that, I peeled off my covers and rolled out of my bed. I stood up and pulled back my curtains. The sun was glistening and the leaves on the trees were swaying in the morning breeze. â€Å"Bye, I'll see you after school. Love you† â€Å"Bye mum. Love you too.† So, there I was strolling off towards school for yet another long day. â€Å"BRRRRRING!† At long last, the end of another exhausting and dragging Monday at school. Lumbered with bags and files, I started my journey towards home. When I, eventually reached my house, I recognised Siobhan and Ruth were running about frantically. I asked what their problem was; they replied with the words, â€Å"Mum's gone.† I was so confused; I had no idea what they were doing or what they were talking about. Suddenly, it clicked. Mum had been ill for quite a while now, which had been extremely odd, as mum hardly ever got ill. If she ever had the flu she would still be up and down, being her busy old self, helping people, caring for people, being there for people. When we had all calmed down, we retired to the front room. Siobhan picked up her phone and tried to call Mum, Ruth did the same and phoned Dad, I also called someone, my Uncle John. He had been at home all day looking after mum, due to the fact that she wasn't feeling to good. The three phones rang and rang. No one answered. Not Mum, not Dad and not even John. Yet again, panic had struck in the Heneghan house. Siobhan then noticed my Mum's flowery coffee cup, placed upon the table in front of me. She walked over and dipped her finger into the coffee. It was stone cold. The panic in the house was growing by the second. No note, no text, no phone call. Nothing! The three of us just sat there, we knew that the only thing any of us could do was wait. That night as Dad returned home, he sat us down and explained where Mum was. Immediately we all got in the car and drove to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. We sat tight listening to what we were being told about our critically ill Mum. After having found some active cancerous cells in recent blood tests, she had been called into hospital at once. The doctors explained that she had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and needed an immediate transfer to St. James' Hospital in Leeds. Mum remained there for two months, in the Leukaemia unit on ward 68, room 5. Two months seemed like a long time for Mum to be away from home, but the fact that I wouldn't get to see her much, as we lived a twenty five minute drive away, seemed totally irrelevant. I thought to myself, as long as she's in the best place for her, then that's all that truly matters. Isn't it? Saturday 25th December 2004 Christmas day had arrived. Could I have possibly been more wrong about my earlier prediction? It certainly was one huge issue that Mum hadn't been there for the previous two months. It was unbelievably hard for my Dad, both my sisters and I. With cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing and various other jobs to do, the four of us were finding it an enormous struggle. Being thirteen, I had never really done many of these â€Å"jobs† before and some of which were new to me. I realised how much I had taken my Mum for granted and had relied on her for thirteen years of my life. Now, it was time to grow up. Friday 31st December 2004 New Years Eve and also, the day Mum was allowed to return home. Lumbered with bags upon bags of tablets, medicines and dressings, Mum, emotionally, unpacked her bags and remained on a strict diet of only certain foods and liquids. Weeks passed and finally, there was a phone call saying that they had found someone whose bone marrow matched Mum's and that she was now ready to start the transplant process. At this, Mum repacked her things and, once again we kissed her goodbye. Friday 25th February 2004 The day of the transplant. Mum was now being treated in the BMTU (Bone Marrow Transplant Unit) back in St. James' Hospital and was to remain there until further notice. With long daily visits from her husband and her three girls, Mum made a rather speedy recovery and returned home, again, on Friday 8th April 2005. Although this time, it was for good. Or so we thought! The family was told it would be about eighteen months until Mum would be in the all clear. With weekly check-ups, four months had past. Next, the check-ups were every fortnight, eight months had passed. Now, the check-ups were monthly and sixteen months had passed. It was now May 2006. Two more months to go and then Mum would be fully recovered. Thursday 25th May 2006 Apparent side effects and symptoms were starting to happen to Mum. These had come from her, now small, dose of tablets and medicines. We were told that these symptoms she was experiencing had never been obvious in any patient before, yet they were happening to my Mum. They were happening to my family. They were happening to me. Who could I turn to? Where could I go? I couldn't, I had to be strong. I had to be there for my Dad and my sisters but most of all, for my Mum! Within the next few weeks of Mum being in intensive care, in the BMTU, things got rapidly worse. Mum started to deteriorate; her platelets became lower, as did her blood count, also part of her memory. One of the worst things I have ever experienced in my whole life was when I went to visit my mum. She was drugged up with large amounts of morphine and her other medications. This made Mum's memory and mind very vague and distant. As I was visiting, I walked into her room. She stared at me blankly, just looked straight through me. She had no idea who I was. I walked over to her, stroked her hair and kissed her on the head. She peered up at me. â€Å"Who are you?† she asked me. I burst out into tears and ran out of the room. It was the worst feeling I have ever had. My heart just sunk like an anchor on a ship. I couldn't come to terms with the fact that my own Mum didn't know who I was. Eventually, I pulled myself together and managed to go back in to support my Mum and to be there for her every single step of the way. Saturday 17th June 2006 The whole family were called. We had been told that Mum would have just a few more hours to live. My heart started to bleed viciously. I felt so sick. It was too hard to think about the fact that these few precious moments could be the last ones I would ever share with my Mum. Once again, Mum managed to prove the doctors wrong. She hung on in there for yet another week with my dedicated Dad at her bed side, all day and all night. Saturday 24th June 2006 Heartbroken and alone, Dad returned home with the expected news. She was gone! It was over. Mum was in no more pain. Her suffering had ended. She was fast asleep, resting in the place that was best for her. I was fourteen when it happened and it was now time to start living my life without my Mum. It was right in the middle of my school exams. I did them. She never left my mind of course, but with my friends, family and also a huge help from my teachers, I did them. I had to; I knew it's what she would have wanted. Even now I still hear her sometimes, waking me up in a morning. Shouting me down for my tea. Telling me to clean my bedroom. It hurts and I know full well that it always will, but at the same time, it has made me so much stronger. I could never forget my Mum, no matter how unhappy I may be at times, no matter how much pain and heartache this ordeal has caused me. I know, deep down, that she will never leave me. She will always be looking down, watching over me and will always stay in my head and in my heart. For eternity she will be a marvellous Mummy, wonderful wife, devoted daughter and fantastic friend. I miss her so much, words cannot describe. Wherever you are Mum, I love you!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Word of the Day

Omnipotent- unlimited authority or influence a. The king was an omnipotent force in the kingdom. 2. Asunder- into parts, torn apart a. Cats asunder mice for dinner. 3. Usurpation- to seize, take hold of through force, without rights, infringement a. The usurpation of Poland by Germany was unexpected. 4. Evinces- to clearly display, show evidence a. Clearly, the note evinces that you are guilty. 5. Abdicated- to cast off, to formally relinquish a. The queen abdicated her power due to her old age. 6.Perfidy- being faithless or disloyal, treachery a. The perfidious servant became a double agent for the enemy. 7. Magnanimity- lofty spirit, bear trouble calmly, display noble generosity a. The dog displayed much magnanimity in rescuing the young drowning boy. 8. Acquiesce- to accept, comply, submit a. The submissive girl always acquiesced to her overbearing mother. 9. Countenance- mental composure, facial expression a. In despite of his pain, the man maintained his countenance. 10. Accosti ng- to approach and speak to in a challenging or aggressive way a.Marry, in an accosting way, approached Jessica to start a fight. 11. Supinely- with the face upward, an indifferent manner a. Supinely, the king ignored the requests of the farmers. Part A: Dear Corporate America, You are making us fat. You are making us fat through your trans-fat-rich foods complete if, and only if, they contain enough saturated fat to clog our arteries and heart. It is the foods that you are creating that are resulting in the downfall of American health. Daily, processed foods asunder any nutritional integrity that we possess.In a way, such corporations, producing unhealthy foods, are an omnipotent force that usurper our everyday lives in an effort to produce revenue. We acquiesce to societal norms by ingesting the slop that corporations like you produce; yet, we are the ones making the decision to put poison into our bodies. You do not accost us and force feed us your food; nay, we enthusiastically devour crunchy chips out of shiny bags without considering the lifetime consequences. You are the devil snake tempting us with fruit, and we are Eve: innocent and blissfully unaware of the future effects that your fruit will have.While it is not your responsibility to ensure that people are consuming your food responsibly, it is your fault that foods that cause atherosclerosis and heart attacks are even available. While the American public does need to change its thoughts about nutrition, large corporations need to change their ingredients and their mentalities. Respectfully, part a: French fries are delicious. Truly, they are a staple food in the American diet. Any American that doesn't regularly partake in the consumption of fries is essentially omitting perfidy.To date, McDonald's is an omnipotent leader in the fast food world. Other fast food chains may try to accost the spread of McDonald's' successful corporation, but they are forced to acquiesce to the standards that have al ready been set. Recently, there has been much debate over the use of healthy foods and their practical use compared to unhealthy, fatty foods. Many have evinced data concerning heart disease and other health problems. These people are in favor of creating healthy alternatives for regular fast food buyers to choose.However, it is my belief that by implementing healthy choices will not change the lifestyle of people that are accustomed to eating fatty foods every day. Americans should make their own food choices and be actively aware of what they are consuming; supinely choosing meals anymore is not an option. It is not the duty of the fast food restaurants to change America's eating habits. Those that wish to live a long and healthy life need to abdicate unhealthy foods from their life and make a true lifestyle change.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Musical Texture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Musical Texture - Assignment Example In listening to the â€Å"Hallelujah Chorus† from YouTube, the texture seems very different than what is in the textbook. In the very beginning of the work the singers are singing in a homophonic way, During these lyrics â€Å"for Lord God omnipotent reigneth† it is done in strictly, monophonic texture the first time it is sung. This gives the strength and emphasizes this particular section. The texture in the version from within the textbook lists this as monophonic. The second time that this sung, it is very clearly done in monophonic texture which is visible on the score as much as heard in the music. The third time it is sung in the textbook, it is clearly in polyphonic as it is sung in contrast with the lyric â€Å"Hallelujah†. This is the same in the version on YouTube which occurs in a long section that almost sounds similar to canon. The YouTube version is the same as the text for â€Å"The Kingdom of this world becomes. The lyrics â€Å"King of Kings a nd Lord of Lords† is repeatedly monophonic until it begins to turn into a polyphonic section that includes other lyrics as well, which is similar to the textbook version. The monophonic portions of the score appear on one line, while the homophonic portions appear separated into multiple lines on the monophonic YouTube score. In this example, both methods are used in order to show the use of different instrumentation. In other words, when the chorus is in polyphonic mode, they get one line, but when multiple instruments are used to create this sound they are on different lines.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Week 6 - Observation Journal Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 6 - Observation Journal - Personal Statement Example The conversation that one just described is a perfect example of BICS. The two ESOL students were speaking in English. Although there were many grammatical errors, they were able to understand each other. There were minimal pronunciation errors. They were quite familiar with the English vocabulary and they were able to express their thoughts well using the English language. Mark and Leo have already developed their basic interpersonal communication skills though one still notices a slight struggle in finding the right words. The next incident one observed was the English class where Mark and Leo were both enrolled. The topic for the day was a movie review of â€Å"The Hunger Games†. The teacher asked the students their reaction about the movie. Teacher: â€Å"Mark, what you mean is â€Å"violent†. Violet is a color. You should say, â€Å"I did not like the movie because I think that there is so much violence portrayed in the movie.† â€Å"Would you like to repeat that Mark?† Teacher: â€Å"Leo, do you mean you liked the movie because it was suspenseful?† Leo nods. â€Å"Oh, you should have said, â€Å"I liked the movie because I find it suspenseful.† Would you like to repeat that Leo?† Leo smiled and repeated Ms. Holly’s statement. Having observed the English class where Mark and Leo were enrolled, one can say that there so much room for improvement for the two students’ CALP. They still have difficulty with the use of the language skills academically. One can conclude that even if Mark and Leo can already speak the English language for social purposes, they need more support in terms of the use of the language academically. The choice of words and correct grammatical expressions must be further

Your Opinion on Chapter 2 on Pictures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Your Opinion on Chapter 2 on Pictures - Essay Example e) (Sporre 32) could be illustrated with the description of devastating toil and health losses which Sistine Chapel actually came to be for Michelangelo ("Michelangelo Paints the Sistine Chapel"). Plausibly, such explications are often given in the passages about photography: for instance, Stieglitz took his city photos with a new technology that allowed depicting the streets in motion but was virtually impossible for the previous generation of photographers (Sporre 41). Another interesting case of technique description occurs in the paragraph distinguishing between baroque and post-impressionism: the latter, Sporre insists, was more formalistic in a sense that it exhibited rather the very tools of picture making (brush strokes etc.) than mere content (31). The list of exemplifying works is remarkable for its multiculturality: Sporre includes not only acknowledged Western painters but also the work by Native American watercolor painter Harrison Begay and Thomas Joshua Cooper’s photography with intriguing description (42); the author also mentions social and gender problems in the discussion of Dorothea Lange’s (45) and Betye Saar’s (33) works. Some of the described techniques and painting characteristics are distinctly Asian: for instance, wash and brush technique (Sporre 30) and shifting perspective (Sporre 58-59). What the chapter lacks is a section about painting and photography genres: there is a whole body of landscape, portrait, and still life theory that is useful in artwork interpretation. A separate section is dedicated to the theory of colors (grayscale and the variety of colors) (Sporre 51-52). This section could be useful not only for art connoisseurs but also for those who would like to master graphic redactors. Again, several passages about optics could be added to this section, but it already contains enough of useful information. Begay, Harrison. Women Picking Corn. N. d. National Museum of American Indian, Smithsonian Institution. Sporre,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why Did Dinosaurs Become Extinct Research Paper

Why Did Dinosaurs Become Extinct - Research Paper Example Dinosaurs are also one such specie which became extinct over a period of time, who are believed to be a set of animals being either herbivores or ever carnivores, also being ornithopods or even quadrupeds with extremely long tails or legs. Usually, their leg are stretched erect beneath their bodies however, the fossil record indicates that they have been found in many distinct forms over the period of time. They have been found in various locales distributed widely over the planet earth and vary from terrestrial to marine beings. Dinosaurs are believed to be extinct by the end of the Cretaceous period. In other words, these dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago, though they have been found to be living on earth for about 165 million years ago (When did dinosaurs become extinct 2012). There have been many explanations for the extinction of the dinosaurs, for instance the asteroid impact, disease, volcanic eruptions etc, however, the most widely accepted theory is the cli mate change theory, and thus this paper aims at discussing all these reasons and theories in details to locate which explanation offers the most convincing account of what actually happened. Starting off with the Asteroid theory which is also one of the most popular theories floating in this context, it implies that the extinction owes much to the hitting of a comet or an asteroid about 65 million years ago.... Thus, since the effect was too extreme to handle, survival rate was technically zero. According to the researchers, this asteroid was about 4-9 miles in length and evidence indicates that it hit the earth at the Yucatan Peninsula which is found at the Gulf of Mexico. Moreover, due to the huge size of the comet, the after effects were also quite massive, i.e. severe storms, huge forest fires etc hit mother earth and thus dinosaurs were nowhere to be seen following this event, and it is also said that it took about six months after the event for the sunlight to appear again. However, certain assumptions tend to negate this very theory, as the facts recovered by scientists indicate. For instance, the element or rather the chemical which leads towards the resistance for sunlight reducing photosynthesis or to cause other changes, is caused by the element Iridium which is found generally in meteors and causes these massive effects. Though the size of the meteor as indicated by the scientis ts was large enough to cause the destruction, but another shocking indication completely negates the proposition. Reason being that though one hand where all meteors contain Iridium, Comet doesn’t. Also the material found later on indicates that the material was either too high or too low to cause massive destruction, thus, this fact completely negates the destruction. Thus, while making logical connections and deriving conclusions, all facts have to be kept into mind and if any of these assumptions is ignored faulty propositions come up, thus propositions of this theory need to study this theory in detail. The second explanation which the scientists give to justify the extinction of the dinosaurs is the volcanic eruptions. Usually, whenever there is an eruption in the volcanoes,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Marketing Plan - Essay Example This has campus at Hendon, Trent Park, Cat Hill, Enfield and Archway and now Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Any student enrolling with Middlesex University must take membership of Middlesex University Students Union (MUSU) within 14 days of enrolment. MUSU aims at representing the students of the University in matters affecting their educational experiences. It also aims at t o provide a recognised means of communication between the students and the University authorities. It promotes and encourages student societies, cultural, sports and social activities. It provides high quality and high value for money services that will meet the needs of students of the University and at last it ensures the students to be centre of their services. Academic year 2004-05 saw the university management force MUSU, against the wishes and votes of MUSU members, to give up its commercial areas, i.e. shops, bars, cafeterias and entertainments. These have now been taken over by a company called Scholarest, a major player in catering facilities to UK educational institutions, who already handle catering facilities for the university proper. This situation has arisen due to a dispute over a  £250,000 debt owed by MUSU to the university.2 There are various corporate objectives for MUSU. It is a service organisation and is aimed to provide services to the students to make their student life comfortable and their educational experience memorable to them. The Union is one of its types for its target group that is Middlesex University students. Each and every student is bound to be member of the union. This is one of the strength of Union because the number of members in the union will increase with the increase in the number of students. One of the major weakness in the past have been control over budget where MUSU have been failed to continue its catering services which has been given to an outside agency due to the overdue payment to the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Einhorn asserts that 'democracy stops at the factory gates'. What are Essay

Einhorn asserts that 'democracy stops at the factory gates'. What are the limits to organisational democracy within market economies and what might a post-capitalist form of work organisation look like - Essay Example ; moreover, it has been noted that the limitation of democracy in the workplace has been out of the control of political leaders; current paper focuses on the examination of the aspects of democracy across organizations, or else, the organisational democracy. Through the research made on the existing literature, it has been proved that organisational democracy is reduced under the influence of the interests of employers; on the other hand, the need for salary has been proved, in most cases, to be stronger than the need for fairer conditions of work. In this context, the phrase of Eihorn that ‘democracy stops at the factory gates’ can be characterized as justified. However, the limitation of freedom in its various aspects cannot lead to the limitation of the fights for fair conditions of life; entrepreneurial interests need to be satisfied – at the level that each enterprise is based on the entrepreneur’s – or the shareholders – investment; how ever, a balance should exist between the interests of all parties in the workplace; the succession of the capitalist (by a post-capitalist) form of work organisation can be considered as necessary; this succession has been started; the terms of this transition and the characteristics of the post-capitalist form of work organisation are also explained in this paper. In order to understand the role and the characteristics of national democracy it would be necessary to refer primarily to its definition; in accordance with Salamon (2000, p.147) ‘organisational democracy involves an interrelationship between participative democracy (membership involvement in policy formulation and decision making) and representational democracy (election of representatives to positions of ‘government’ or leadership)’; organizational democracy can refer to all aspects of organizational activities being depended on the organizational environment (internal and external) and the country’s political system and social ethics. The

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Philosophy of Music Education in the Indian Context Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of Music Education in the Indian Context Essay These goals must be the first and foremost reason why we teach music. To instill an even greater understanding and love of the domain thus enabling our students develop a genuine interest and continue a life long journey that’s undertaken in varying degrees and through diverse roles. Phenix (1986) stress on the fact that knowledge of methods makes it possible for a person to continue learning and undertake inquiries on his own (p. 11). Estelle Jorgenson in her book â€Å"Transforming Music Education† eloquently describes the need for music education to be transformed for the very reason that children be able to continue developing their knowledge beyond the classroom. Effective music education is built of a foundation that encompasses discussions, goals, materials and strategies, based on a teacher’s knowledge and experience of music and child development, educational guidelines and â€Å"overarching, and developing philosophy of music education† (Fiske, 2012). Before I elucidate my philosophy about music, I recognize the need to clarify my stand as a music educator who is passionate and determined to elevate the status of music education within classrooms around India. My Musical Experiences Music has always been a part of me for as long as I can remember. My earliest memories of music, especially the performance aspect, goes back to when I was three years old and sang a solo for a Christmas Concert that was organized by the radio station that my father worked at. I have memories of him kneeling on one knee and playing the guitar for me while I sang after which I was delighted to receive a big present from Santa. Ever since, I have enjoyed performing, and have so felt so comfortable on stage. All along I grew up listening to Christian gospel music and many contemporary arrangements of hymns. Supplementary to that my father offered me a rich experience of Indian hindustani devotional music. I learned songs by ear and didn’t realize what I was missing at this point, imagining what I learned in music to be the only way to absorb and internalize it. Performing was something that I enjoyed doing and it came naturally to me, partly because of my early initiation into leading worship at church. My true test of endurance came about when I was introduced to Western Classical Music at the age of 14, through the study of two years of piano. My teacher, like many others around, displayed an extremely formalistic approach and didn’t do much to expand my understanding of music beyond what was on the page and how I was supposed to read it. In response to this method I didn’t enjoy learning from the pages of notated music books, as much as I did learning by ear, and I continued to develop as a musician who played by ear and improvised at will. Studying opera during undergrad was a trying phase for me because of my inability to â€Å"connect the dots† as easily as I should have been able to. My aural skills remained excellent and I sometimes relied on that to carry me through certain phases. Hard work and determination became my motto, and I spent hours to understand and perfect music that was assigned to me, as I wanted to do my very best. Although I had composed songs earlier, without notating them, the study of music theory opened up a whole new world for me. I could now add variety and richness to my music through the concepts I was learning. Music became a new language for me; I was captivated by the way it lent itself to diverse experiences through different musical roles (something that I wasn’t aware of or didn’t pay attention to earlier). As a Music Teacher Although I initially joined a conservatory to study vocal performance, I found myself deeply drawn towards music education, and during my second semester decided to learn more about devising meaningful and persuasive trategies to improve the standard of music education in India. This thought emerged from an understanding that I had felt almost cheated for having lost out on so many years of studying music formally, yet effectively. I didn’t have a choice because structured music instruction simply wasn’t available at all the schools that I studied in, or the quality of instruction didn’t serve the purpose of educating or informing students like me. What gave the impression of a music class/lesson at school was in reality an enthusiastic way of keeping students occupied for forty minutes in simple singing, with a concert for parents every once a year. We learned songs by rote to perform them, year after year. During those years though, I didn’t realize the limitations that this system came with and continued to enjoy the fact that I was in choir and able to sing. This vacuum remains largely visible and unattended to in schools today, although some music educators in the recent past have taken huge steps towards improving the quality and effectiveness of their instruction in classrooms around India. Their efforts however remain predominantly an enthusiastic endeavor. What is urgently required is certainly something much more than sincere teaching. It calls for a transformation of the present system, giving room for every child to receive superior music education that fits into the whole. The need of every student being met in a transformed educational framework that constantly reshapes itself to accommodate new ideas and strategies. After all, as Regelski (2003) rightly points out that music (music education) is for everyone and not just for an elite few. The turning point in my decision to finally teach music myself came about when I enrolled my four-year-old daughter, Tiara, for after-school piano lessons. I hoped to give her a head start, with the understanding that she needn’t have to face the same challenges in learning music, like I had to. However, after a few classes, I realized to my complete dissatisfaction that there was no structure, no thought and imagination, and no clarity in what was being thought to her. Her fingering on the piano was all over the place for the two songs that her teacher worked on â€Å"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. † And â€Å"Baa Baa Black Sheep† Her teacher (I later learned wasn’t introduced to classical notation), taught her these songs by writing letters in a book and instructing her to commit it to heart. Lesson after lesson they would follow the same outline with no emphasis on any other musical aspects whatsoever. I decided I wasn’t going to take this lying down! I had to do all within my capacity to change the face of music education, as the vast majority of people understand it. I began studying about music education as well, to inform and equip myself for the task at hand. Around this period, my voice teacher encouraged me to coach students in voice, and I began shying away from it believing I was under qualified and needed many years of study to begin teaching. However, with a newfound passion and vigor, I accepted to coaching some of his voice students and also began to teach small groups of students on the history of music (because I loved learning about it). Meanwhile, I started training both my young daughters at home constantly developing new ideas and strategies to introduce musical concepts to them. A friend noticed my teaching style and asked if I would teach her daughter too, and thus began my professional journey as a music educator. Four years since then, I find myself accountable for the music instruction I offer to over 250 children across various age groups, who are part of my school. The need is so great within schools, and only a few educators are willing to take the extra effort of educating themselves and being channels of superior music instruction-catalysts of sorts. I am blessed to have a team of ten teachers who share in my vision and work alongside me in imparting music to the children who are part of our music school, â€Å"Harmony†. My long-term vision is to enhance the music programs in India for the betterment of as many children as possible. Individuals don’t realize what they’re missing until they’ve been given a taste of it, a glimpse of the bigger picture (much like my case). Through our school performances I aim on providing a window for the change to take place. A transformation that not only affects my students, but others around them as well through their personal interactions with each other and the community as a whole. My Personal Philosophy â€Å"A field or discipline without philosophical guidance, without critically examined ideals and commitment to their revision in light of the diverse and changing needs of those it seeks to serve, is more akin to an occupation han a profession† (Bowman Frega, 2012, p. 23). For my vision to bear fruit and show evidence of becoming something concrete, I realize the need to develop my philosophy of music to an extent that equips me with the requisite tools to be able to initiate the change that I seek after. In the words of Jorgenson (2008), â€Å"I want to excavate beneath the superficial and demonstrable skills to think about the ideas and principles of music teaching, the things that drive and shapeà ¢â‚¬ . According to Kivy (2002), â€Å"A practice or discipline or body of knowledge, then, seems to become ‘eligible’ (If that is the right word) for philosophy, properly so–called, when it becomes for us a way of life: when it cuts so deeply into our natures as human beings that we are impelled to explore and reveal its innermost workings† (p. 7). It is necessary for me to â€Å"clarify the major dimensions of musical experience† so I can â€Å"effectively offer them to, and nurture them within, â€Å" my students (Reimer, 2003, p. 9), this despite the passion and conviction with which I teach and advocate the need for arts in schools. I have begun to develop a synergistic mindset in my philosophy of music education after my reading and researching the literature, coupled with practical experiences over the last few years. Reimer (2003) points out â€Å" A synergistic mind-set is one open to cooperation as an alternative to contention, to searching for points of agreement or confluence as an alternative to fixating on discord, to recognizing nuances in which seemingly opposed views are capable of some level of contention† (p. 30). I agree with Reimer’s democratic view that musical meaning is meaning that â€Å"individuals choose to give to and take from music, based on their life experiences and their musical orientations. † He further adds that there is to be no â€Å"one right way†, and calls for an adaptation of a synergistic blend in music teaching. Music must involve decision making through discernment and connections within a particular role (Reimer, 2003, p. 213). Eisner (1987) illuminates the need for a curriculum that â€Å"exploits the various forms of representation and that utilizes all of the senses to help students learn what a period of history feels like†(p. 7). Similarly, offering students a basis for understanding music in all contexts involves a thorough exploration of musical meaning within its definitive parameters, along with contemplation or reflection. Introducing students to the music and other art forms of various cultures is a wonderful way to broaden their understanding of the meaning of music. A student does not need to lose his own musical identity in order to study other music. On the contrary, in learning about other music, a student’s life is enriched. Reimer states, â€Å"In the spirit of adding to the self rather than substituting other selves for one’s self, the study of the music of foreign cultures enriches the souls of all who are engaged in it† (p. 191). Music and Meaning As advocates of music, music educators are often expected to express the meaning of music through words, yet words are incapable of truly describing the beauty and emotion felt through experience. â€Å"The concern is not to arrive at a definition and to close the book, but to arrive at an experience† (Ciardi, 1975, p. ). Ciardi states that there â€Å"still lingers belief that a dictionary definition is a satisfactory description of an idea or of an experience† (p. 1). Words may attempt to describe music, yet true meaning must be derived from the actual music experience Reimer (2003) discusses the difference between meanings drawn from words or language and the meanings found through music. He writes, â€Å"Language is created and shared through the processes of conceptualization and communication. Music is created and shared through the process of artistic/aesthetic perceptual structuring, yielding meanings language cannot represent† (p. 133). â€Å"The real power of music lies in the fact that it can be â€Å"true† to the life of feeling in a way that language cannot† (Langer, 1942, p. 197). Phenix (1986) highlights the need to look for aesthetic meaning in music concluding that there has to be a delicate balance between descriptive proposition that serves the purpose of laying out a historical background and allowing for freedom to gain perceptual features. Though music may evoke emotions in my students as they compose or serve as an outlet for their feelings when they perform, the ultimate significance of music lies in its ability to symbolize/portray deeply felt emotions. In the pages of his article, How Does a Poem Mean, John Ciardi (1975) shares with the reader his view that language is not capable of completely conveying the meaning that is discovered through experience. Living through the poetry is more powerful than attempting to interpret it. I believe that language does, however, serve a purpose of enhancing and is required when teaching for musical meaning. Words such as diction, metaphor, rhythm, and counter rhythm describe elements that lead to the understanding of form. Once a student can identify changes in the form through performance, â€Å"he will have identified the poem in action† (p. 95). He will no longer ask what the poem means but will see â€Å"how it means† (p. 95). Ciardi suggests questions such as, â€Å"Why does it build itself into a form out of images, ideas, rhythms? How do these elements become the meaning? † and â€Å"How are they inseparable from the meaning? † (p. 100). These questions are helpful in leading a student to the ultimate meaningful experience. Likewise, music students may use their knowledge of musical elements, such as rhythm and dynamics, to see â€Å"how† a piece of music means. Reimer (2003) says language has the essential function of disclosing and explaining the music. Music elements are inseparable from the performance of the music as they help to explain the musical experience. On their own, however, words and definitions remain dull and lifeless. I believe students should be immersed in the experience, while in a chorus, performing their instruments and listening to those around them. Meaning can be discovered through active participation in music and through the emotion and beauty the music portrays, for â€Å"Music means whatever a person experiences when involved with music† (Reimer, 2003, p. 133). Ciardi’s (1975) statement: â€Å"It is the experience, not the final examination, that counts† (p. 3) is particularly striking. The Indian society places high emphasis on examinations in music as with other subjects, very often overlooking the need for students to value their experience through the process of learning. I sometimes feel pressured by the community to meet high concert performance expectations and good examination results. Although I recognize that performance and the International music exams is a wonderful opportunity in which students can share their music with the community, or understand their level of competency, the true reflection of meaning in the music should be experienced in day-to-day music making within my classroom. I do my best not to focus on the examination repertoire alone but to include other music as well giving them a chance to draw out meanings and experience the music. Ciardi (1975) describes a poem as a â€Å"dynamic and living thing† (p. 10). He continues stating, â€Å"One experiences it as one experiences life. One is never done with it: every time he looks he sees something new, and it changes even as he watches† (p. 10). Similarly, music is capable of revealing something new each time it is experienced. The meanings my students derive from an initial listening of a piece of music may be vastly different than the meanings understood months or years later. The meaning of music constantly changes with personal life experiences and new perspectives. Reimer claims, â€Å"Music education exists to nurture people’s potential to gain deeper, broader, more significant musical meanings† (p. 133). I believe my students should derive their own meanings from the musical experience and without my influence. By explaining meanings to them, I face the fear of casting into oblivion the celebration of their own unique experience with the music, much the same way a language teacher might, in more ways than one, take away from the experience of a students â€Å"feelingful† experience of poetry as she explains the meaning in the verses of the poem. Instead of teaching â€Å"what† music means, I will instruct students on â€Å"how† music means, enabling them to derive meaning from experiences that occur beyond the classroom, and within their own roles. Feeling through Music â€Å"Music does for feeling what language does for thought† (Bowman, 1998, p. 200). As a musician, I understand the power of music to evoke feelings. Listening to or performing a great work of music in a concert hall may bring tears or chills to the musician in a way that only music is capable. Similarly, students’ emotional lives may be heightened by experiences in the classroom. According to Reimer (2003), the â€Å"emotional dimension of music-its power to make us feel, and to â€Å"know† through feeling-is probably its most important defining characteristic† (p. 72). In Western history, emotion has often been regarded less valuable than intellect (Reimer, 2003). Some people do not consider the arts to be as important as other core subjects such as math and reading in education due to the belief that arts are based on emotions and not reasoning or intellect. Recently, however, scientific scholars have begun to recognize that human intelligence, or cognition, is exhibited in a variety of forms, directly related to functions of the body, and tied to feeling. Dimensions of the mind, once thought to be separate and unrelated, are now known to work together, contributing to the things we know and experience. Anthony Damasio, a research neurologist, believes â€Å"feeling is likely to be the key factor in human consciousness itself and an essential ingredient in human cognition† (Reimer, 2003, p. 76). The capacity to feel â€Å"pervades and directs all we undergo as living, aware creatures† (p. 8). â€Å"Direct experiences of feeling are embodied in music and made available to the bodied experience of those engaged with it† (p. 80). The use of descriptive and symbolic language in the classroom, in the teaching of a varied repertoire of expressive music, aids in drawing out these responses of feeling from students. Including music that is heavy and loud or delicate and light will bring out an array of feelings. I believe students should be given an opportunity to articulate these feelings through journaling and in-class discussion.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Conflict And Functionalist Theories In Religion Sociology Essay

Conflict And Functionalist Theories In Religion Sociology Essay The difference between conflict and functionalist theories on religion are: *Conflict theory refers to religion as the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, and the soul of the soulless condition. It is the opium of the people. Functionalism is a structural-consensus perspective that views society as a system. As its name implies this theory seeks to define the separate institutions of society in terms of how they function to maintain the social system. It should be noted that sociological research into religion does not attempt to reveal the mysteries of the supernatural, however whilst seeking to understand the role of religion within society some theorists have been drawn to rather unfaithful conclusions. Emile Durkheim, the founding father of functionalism, claimed that all societies divide the world into the sacred and the profane. He observed that even seemingly ordinary objects, for instance a wooden cross, could provoke deep emotions, though they held no intrinsic power. For Durkheim the significance of such objects was symbolic, and for Durkheim the wooden cross did not represent sacrifice and eternal salvation, as with all religious iconography it represented the collective conscience, the shared set of beliefs that bind society together. One common way to define religion is to focus on what are known as functional definitions: these are definitions which emphasize the way religion operates in human lives. When constructing a functional definition is to ask what a religion does usually psychologically or socially. Functional definitions are so common that most academic definitions of religion can be categorized as either psychological or sociological in nature. Psychological definitions focus upon the ways in which religion plays a role in the mental, emotional, and psychological lives of believers. Sometimes this is described in a positive way (for example as a means of preserving mental health in a chaotic world) and sometimes in a negative way (for example as with Freuds explanation of religion as a type of neurosis). Functionalists argue that the role of religion is to preserve the status quo rather than to promote social change. They agree that religion is a beneficial conservative force because it maintains consensus, binds people together and promotes social order. They however see it as having a positive influence, whereas the Marxist view is somewhat more negative in its outlook. (Especially when looking at social change) It is impossible to see how religion can be functioning to socialise the majority of societies members into morality, and integration in the 21st century, when only a minority of people attend church and of course when some of the attendees these days engage in anti moral and antisocial behaviour and to a large extent sizeable percentage of people especially the young teens are been exposed to some of these moral dangers. Having said this, it could be observed that functionalists tend to neglect the areas in which religion has been dysfunctional for society for example in Northern Ireland and Bosnia, religious divisions have caused disruption and conflict rather than promoted social order. Another pertinent point that can be argued is that the post modernist believes that the old sociological searches for the grand explanations of social behaviour and values are pointless. They believe there are no absolute truths, and values in society are only relative ones, this is due to the fact that society is more fragmented due to modernisation, and there are also various ideologies to choose from. Along with this added choice non-traditional beliefs and behaviours are being adopted. People now select their beliefs like they select lifestyles and leisure activities, a good example is the concept of consumerism. This shift away from the traditional has a huge impact on religion according to postmodernists. Religion no longer holds the role of promoting social solidarity and social order that the functionalists argue to be the case. Instead religion has become a personalised entity; it has become pick and mix in a sense. People are becoming more aware and open to new ideas; this could explain the growth in new religious movements. Religion has to shift according to the needs of the people in different social contexts. Theologically, from the bible for instance God recommended in the institution of marriage a unique and acceptable union between a man and a woman in the book of Genesis which has serve as a standard for a while in some part of the world but as a result of man insatiable quest for new ideas, experience and adventure we now have what we call gay marriage which many countries are now institutionalised and drafted into the constitutional right of the citizenry. Undoubtedly, religion had a prominent position in early functionalism. According to Comte, the macrofunctionalist, it prompted simple folk to serve unseen purposes that even clever scholars could barely detect. Durkheim (1912) proposed that religion sacralised social life itself and, because the perspective of society was implicit in all cognition, religion thus served as the foundation of all knowledge. The micro functionalist Malinowski (1948 [1925]) observed that religion established, fixed, and enhanced individual attitudes that were valuable to the collective existence and survival of societies-attitudes such as reverence for tradition, harmony with the environment, and courage in the struggle with difficulties and at the prospect of death. However, many of these functions that used to be the hallmark of religion could no longer uphold the central pillar of the society canon that seems to be falling apart or perhaps, eroding. The Irish society can be cited as an example of a dedicated religious state for many decades, which as a result serve as a way of modelling and tailoring people in a particular direction of social values and norms but unfortunately in todays world all of these norms and values are eroding speedily and consequently peoples way is now perverse, the act of terrorism is now a lifestyle, statistic has revealed alarming rate of people committing or about to commit suicide due to issues related to emotion stress and financial issues just to mention a few, basically these are some of the hole that religion used to fill perfectly in the heart of people. Edit- Nevertheless, it is also true that from the fundamental perspective that religion could relieve social anxiety, that it could provide a sense of security when people are faced with uncontrollable situations. Malinowski observed that when the islanders fished in the calm lagoon, no religious practice was attached, however when faced with the perils of fishing in the open ocean, religious rituals were always performed. In this way, Malinowski believed humans could exert a perceived control over a world in which they held no significant, individual, power. Apparently, this is not really the case anymore why because the greatest problem of insecurity that is most imminent all over the world now can be traced to the fragmented religion sect been propagated Islamic fundamentalist which has changed the world order and shaped how we lived our lives tremendously and consequently create a tense and uneasy atmosphere rather than the secure, hopeful and serene expectations postulated by functionalist school of thoughts. Perhaps the most extreme functionalist assessment of religion has been put forward by the American sociologist Robert Bellah. Bellah has fused Parsons argument that America derives its values from Protestantism and added that to Durkheims belief that the worship of god is the disguised worship of society creating the concept of a civil religion. Bellah believes that what unifies Americans, whichever religion they may be is an overarching civil religion; a faith in Americanism and not necessarily need not contain supernatural belief, Bellah maintains that in America it does. For instance God Bless America is a common phrase, American Presidents swear an oath before god and American currency pronounces to the world In God We Trust. However this god is not the god of any particular creed but a god of America. In this respect faith in America unites all the American peoples. CONCUSION In analyzing religion, functionalists argue that religions serve a number of functions, such as: they preserve and integrate society, create communities of believers, promote social control, provide answers to ultimate questions, provide us with rites of passage, and cultivate social change. Religions may also be dysfunctional in some respects. The conflict perspective suggests that religion is a tool used by the elite to subjugate the masses. The functionalist and conflict perspectives have a number of practical applications, such as providing a link to the understanding of an entire culture and learning much about a particular community. Not least Durkheims prediction of the cult of man. Certainly modern religious phenomena such as having a personal relationship with Jesus , religious trends such as Wicca or even the rise of the tele-evangelist are evidence that religion is becoming less social and more personal. Whether this is mere coincidence or proof of Durkheims prediction is at the very least debatable, but surely it is the human ability to question and wonder that initially gave rise to religion. Apparently, in the times past religion as the functionalist postulated as served as a unifying factor, dictator of status quo, canon of values, bind people together, promote social order and so on in many society but things are changing fast, religion has become so fragmented not only to the extent of eroding the social values that it stood for in the hands of radical fundamentalists to perpetrate terror in the name of religion but it has also facilitate uncountable exposure of people especially the young teens who are vulnerable to diverse moral dangers, the rapid cases of paedophiles across the western hemisphere is a good example. Basically, vast majority of people have lost faith and hope in what used to be a unifying force in the society, people have been wounded both emotionally and psychologically. Rather than binding people together and promoting social order, religion has left more people in a state of disillusioned. It can be aptly concluded that universal functional need can neither be served by religion nor can religion be the sole survival and sustainers of any system in a modern society as once believed by the functionalist scholars. People now have individualistic adorement as against the universal religion that used to determine the way be think, react and live in term of our value system an d one of such things is sport specifically football which has suddenly turned to some kind of god. Obviously, there is a paradign shift from the old values that used to hold any societal system together from the functionalist view to the modernistic era where technology and other things now determines value system.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Its Use To Gain Competitive Advantage Information Technology Essay

Its Use To Gain Competitive Advantage Information Technology Essay Apple founded the computer company in 1976, in the last decade; Apple Company offers a wide range of products which cover from Apple I to MP3, hand phone. In 2001, Apple broke the barrier with the I-Pod, eventually becoming the dominant market leader in music players. As well, Apple joined the phone industry in 2007 with the I-Phone, which has also been widely successful. Apple makes a big contribution to the world and plays an important leader role in the IT industry. Apple is the global company which exports and imports the products and services, like Singapore, China, and HK and so on to access the overseas market. For these various products, Apple targets different groups of people. Such as I-Phone and I-Touch targets the young people; new technology of laptop and computer target business person. So for the various customers, Apple Company does the business through the information technology. The first, Apple set up his own website: The company uses the e-commerce to do business. The advantages of website and the advantages for Apple as following and look through the figure 1 below: Source: Consumers enable search products and services online before making purchases. The website allows products and services to be displayed in front of people without going to market in person and renew in time to fit customers needs and wants. Being found on the Internet will give you an advantage over your competition when they call you instead of the competition. Be able to conduct business when it is convenient for your clients whether it be during the day or in the middle of the night. Your shops will never actually close and run 24 hours. Your customers can shop whenever they are free when you choose an e-commerce website. Customer enables to compare products and find out which suits them best. They just click the mouse then can go through all the products whatever they want. They also can compare with other competitors products. See which one has higher value with lower price; which one has high quality; which one has more advantage than others and so on. E-commerce business can make your competitors customers swift to your products directly. Website becomes a resource of information for the public; consumers can gain the information from website without leaving home. By supplying helpful tips and articles that are relevant to your industry, you will give visitors a reason to come back to your website, so we should set up the powerful website to attract the consumers. Payment can be done electronically. Customer can order online with clicking the mouse, and make a payment via net, master card, visa or even cash etc to make the transaction successfully. Only a few seconds. Low risk of money changing and save a lot of time. E-commerce company that dont need to rent the space or office, do not need to pay the electronic, water bill, do not need to buy the furniture, in addition do need to hire a lot of employees and so on so that can save a large amount of money and reduce expenses to expand the business. E-commerce business refers to the customers directly buy your products from the manufacturers without the middlemen. E-commerce provides the lowest price products for the customers without transaction fee or transportation fess in order to attract more price sensitive consumers to buy and repeat business, repeat profit. Website business with detailed catalog which is the graphic pieces that are used by business to present and clarity their products and services. With an electronic catalog ordering system, the category headings are meaningful to customers, clear heading lead customers to find and also enter what they want directly with clicking the mouse and do not need to waste time with only a few seconds. The Apple Company does the transaction through the Internet. Nowadays not only Apple Company, more and more companies also use the information technology (IT) to do business, it is more convenient, profitable, immediate, and high-tech than normal type of business in the past. 2. (i) What is an emerging technology? Explain why understanding these emerging technologies may be important to organization? (5 marks) Emerging technology refers to technology that is considered innovative it is still developing in capability/capacity.  [1]   Emerging Technologies are developing technologies often found in the information technology fields. It includes developments in voice recognition software, digital television, interactive television, broadband, wireless Internet, e-commerce software, information technology, man-machine communication, on-demand printing, Bluetooth and video conferencing. This type of new technology will alter the business and social environment.  [2]   Emerging technology has a drastic impact on society and business. It plays a very significant role in our life. Due to the new technology developing, business has been able to advance in such ways that associates can communicate across the whole world without ever leaving their respective offices, or even do business at home. Like APPLE Company can send and gain information immediately without wasting much time; download important documents from internet; increase the productivity to fit the customers needs and wants; bring transparency and credibility electronic payment so that make the security payment; do not need to hire so many workers and managers instead of high technology; do transaction such as booking or ordering via the internet; get the fast response; reduce the expenses; oversea business even you are in different regions, and a large number of other things. Consider how emerging technology has impacted business in the following ways  [3]  : Web conferencing As the technology developed at rapid speed every day, more and more companies can communicate all over the world through the internet. Web conferencing is really important and effective for every business areas. Web conferencing provides a chance for business men to hold group meeting or training in real time via the net. Make business save a large amount of money and time while increasing productivity. Most time it will be used in the oversea business. Tele conferencing Tele conferencing is a popular choice for holding meetings, conferences, or others for small business especially local companies. Basically, tele-conferencing is a phone call in which more than two parties involved. Emerging technology has had a dramatic increase on communication in the workplace. Emerging technology can provide more high and good quality products and service for consumers, make the goal of global transaction achieve. Every business should take advantage of this high tech to do their business and make them successful. (ii) Identify in detail at least two emerging technologies you have researched from the internet and other sources like journals and periodicals. Explain their likely impact on our lives in the future. (25 marks) As the economics and technology developed, emerging technology comes out with many types in different areas. New technology comes one by one. It is a part of our life from now. Such as nanotechnology which is very popular and powerful in the world; it is used in many areas like hospital, manufacture etc; also including sixth senses technology. Firstly, I will talk about the NANOTECHNOLOGY in the society. Nanotechnology is an expected future manufacturing technology that will make most products lighter, stronger, cleaner, less expensive and more abstract. It is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. Nanotechnology is not a product like a microchip or an automobile. It is a process that uses the unique properties of materials at the 1-100 nanometer scale to develop new products. Nanotechnology seems be very small product. Nanotechnology has the potential to deeply impact our lives that will benefit at large. Big reduction in heating bills, nano-fluids could increase efficiency instead of using a more powerful pump so that can save energy and provide major environmental benefits. Safer surgery, because during critical surgery, nano-fluids could be used to cool the brain so it requires less oxygen and thereby enhance the patients change of survival and reduce the risk of brain damage and less painful. They could also be used to produce a higher temperature around tumours to kill cancerous cells without affecting nearby healthy cells; The fluids could open the door to the next generation of miniaturized computers, rapid heat dissipation. According to the survey, around 2010, workers will build relationship with systems of nanostructures, directing large numbers of complex components to specified ends. One application could involve the guided self-assembly of Nanoelectronic components into three-dimensional circuits and whole devices. Medicine could employ such systems to improve the tissue compatibility of implants, or to create scaffolds for tissue regeneration, or perhaps even to build artificial organs.  [4]   After 2015-2020, the field will expand to include molecular Nanosystemsheterogeneous networks in which molecules and supramolecular structures serve as distinct devices. The proteins inside cells work together this way, but whereas biological systems are water-based and markely temperature-sensitive, these molecular nanosystems will be able to operate in a far wider range of environments and should be much faster. Computers and robots could be reduced to extraordinarily small sizes. Medical applications might be as ambitious as new types of genetic therapies and antiaging treatments. New interfaces linking people directly to electronics could change telecommunications.  [5]   Over time, nanotechnology should benefit every industrial sector and health care field. It also can help the environment through more efficient use of resources and better methods of pollution control. Nanotechnology will have an impact of this magnitude. Next, I will move to another emerging technology Sixth Sense Technology. 3. Explain at least three challenges faced by managers in a typical IT department. You are also required to suggest possible approaches to meet these challenges. (30 marks)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fabric And Jewelery In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Erin Kilkenny   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  English Comp & Lit   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cathy Seigel   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  March 7, 2000   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sir Gawain Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In literature, insights into characters, places, and events are often communicated to the reader by symbolic references within the text. This is the case in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In this Medieval romance, the colors and textures of fabrics and jewelry are used heavily by the poet not only as a descriptive tool, but also to give the reader information about the characters’ personalities and roles within the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The narrative opens with a holiday feast in King Arthur’s court. The richness of this setting is represented by the decorations surrounding Queen Guenevere described in lines 76-80. â€Å"With costly silk curtains, a canopy over,/ Of Toulouse and Turkestan tapestries rich/ All broidered and bordered with the best gems/ Ever brought into Britain, with bright pennies/ to pay.† These lines also symbolize the queen’s role in the poem of a stately symbol of chivalric Camelot and as a female ideal. In this setting women are all around, but Guenevere is positioned above them and is surrounded by expensive, beautiful things. She is clearly made superior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Green Knight then arrives at Arthur’s court to pose a challenge for someone to cut off his head and to have the favor returned a year later. He and his horse are both entirely green and are clad in rich attire. The horse’s saddle is described as follows, in lines 164-167: â€Å" About himself and his saddle, set upon silk,/ That to tell of the trifles would tax my wits,/ The butterflies and birds embroidered thereon/ In green of gayest, with many gold thread.† The Green Knight’s appearance makes his supernatural qualities apparent from the start, even before he is able to survive decapitation. Though his ornate clothing establishes him as a respectable knight, the fact that he is entirely green is not normal. Green is often associated with creepy, monstrous things, so therefore the knight is given a supernatural quality by that color.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gawain, Arthur’s knight who takes the Green Knight’s challenge, is portrayed in different lights as the story progresses. Descriptions of fabric and clothing are integral to this portrayal. When he is departing Camelot to find the Green Knight, Gawain is depicted as a virtuous, chivalrous knight bravely facing his fate. His clothing, therefore, is red, symbolizing courage, and bears a gold pentangle, a symbol of virtue. This is described in lines 636-639, â€Å"On shield and coat in view/ He bore that emblem bright/ As to his word most true/ And in speech most courteous knight.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Agriculture in a Market Economy and Sustainable Alternatives Essay

Agriculture in a Market Economy and Sustainable Alternatives Imagine driving through any number of Midwestern states, passing acres upon acres of corn or soybeans, feeding lots in Kansas with thousands of cattle, or rows of poultry barns in Virginia that leave their memories in your nose for miles down the road. Today’s agricultural system in the United States is one that follows capitalism and demands competition, which usually means make as much as you can with as few resources as possible. These practices tend to be harmful to both environmental and human health, are not sustainable in the long term, and have forced many farmers out of the industry when they can’t compete with the big companies. Many people, including Christians, believe they are called to be stewards and protectors of the earth with a responsibility to act with justice towards other human beings. While there are Christians and other people who hold strong ethical beliefs involved in conventional methods of agriculture, others are seeking more just and sustainable methods of producing food. Modern agriculture in the United States followed in suit with the Industrial Revolution and searched for ways to become bigger, make more money, and be more efficient. Just as in factories, many farms began specializing in one crop or livestock, spreading onto more land, and using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to encourage growth. For many farmers, to participate in the market economy where the government subsidizes many crops and farm products and market prices are highly unstable, the only way to remain competitive is to produce a surplus. In addition, they are playing into an export economy, which has major implications for communities and the envir... ...â€Å"Linking Tables to Farms.† In Eric T. Freyfogle (Ed.), The New Agrarianism: Land Culture, and the Community. pp17-27. Washington: Island Press. Long, Cheryl. (1999) â€Å"Certified Organic.† Organic Gardening 46(6), 44-46. Retrieved November 19, 2004, from Academic Search Elite. Madden, Patrick. (1988). â€Å"Low-Input/Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education- Challenges to the Agricultural Economics Profession.† American Journal of Agricultural Economics 7 (5), 1167-1172. Retrieved November 19, 2004, from Business Source Premier database. Orr, David. (2001). â€Å"The Urban-Agrarian Mind.† Eric T. Freyfogle (Ed.), The New Agrarianism: Land Culture, and the Community. pp93-107. Washington: Island Press. Snowe, Olympia . â€Å"USDA Organic Food Standards.† FDCH Press Releases 21/Oct/2002 . Retrieved November 10, 2004 , from Military and Government Collection database. Agriculture in a Market Economy and Sustainable Alternatives Essay Agriculture in a Market Economy and Sustainable Alternatives Imagine driving through any number of Midwestern states, passing acres upon acres of corn or soybeans, feeding lots in Kansas with thousands of cattle, or rows of poultry barns in Virginia that leave their memories in your nose for miles down the road. Today’s agricultural system in the United States is one that follows capitalism and demands competition, which usually means make as much as you can with as few resources as possible. These practices tend to be harmful to both environmental and human health, are not sustainable in the long term, and have forced many farmers out of the industry when they can’t compete with the big companies. Many people, including Christians, believe they are called to be stewards and protectors of the earth with a responsibility to act with justice towards other human beings. While there are Christians and other people who hold strong ethical beliefs involved in conventional methods of agriculture, others are seeking more just and sustainable methods of producing food. Modern agriculture in the United States followed in suit with the Industrial Revolution and searched for ways to become bigger, make more money, and be more efficient. Just as in factories, many farms began specializing in one crop or livestock, spreading onto more land, and using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to encourage growth. For many farmers, to participate in the market economy where the government subsidizes many crops and farm products and market prices are highly unstable, the only way to remain competitive is to produce a surplus. In addition, they are playing into an export economy, which has major implications for communities and the envir... ...â€Å"Linking Tables to Farms.† In Eric T. Freyfogle (Ed.), The New Agrarianism: Land Culture, and the Community. pp17-27. Washington: Island Press. Long, Cheryl. (1999) â€Å"Certified Organic.† Organic Gardening 46(6), 44-46. Retrieved November 19, 2004, from Academic Search Elite. Madden, Patrick. (1988). â€Å"Low-Input/Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education- Challenges to the Agricultural Economics Profession.† American Journal of Agricultural Economics 7 (5), 1167-1172. Retrieved November 19, 2004, from Business Source Premier database. Orr, David. (2001). â€Å"The Urban-Agrarian Mind.† Eric T. Freyfogle (Ed.), The New Agrarianism: Land Culture, and the Community. pp93-107. Washington: Island Press. Snowe, Olympia . â€Å"USDA Organic Food Standards.† FDCH Press Releases 21/Oct/2002 . Retrieved November 10, 2004 , from Military and Government Collection database.