Friday, September 27, 2019

Musical Texture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Musical Texture - Assignment Example In listening to the â€Å"Hallelujah Chorus† from YouTube, the texture seems very different than what is in the textbook. In the very beginning of the work the singers are singing in a homophonic way, During these lyrics â€Å"for Lord God omnipotent reigneth† it is done in strictly, monophonic texture the first time it is sung. This gives the strength and emphasizes this particular section. The texture in the version from within the textbook lists this as monophonic. The second time that this sung, it is very clearly done in monophonic texture which is visible on the score as much as heard in the music. The third time it is sung in the textbook, it is clearly in polyphonic as it is sung in contrast with the lyric â€Å"Hallelujah†. This is the same in the version on YouTube which occurs in a long section that almost sounds similar to canon. The YouTube version is the same as the text for â€Å"The Kingdom of this world becomes. The lyrics â€Å"King of Kings a nd Lord of Lords† is repeatedly monophonic until it begins to turn into a polyphonic section that includes other lyrics as well, which is similar to the textbook version. The monophonic portions of the score appear on one line, while the homophonic portions appear separated into multiple lines on the monophonic YouTube score. In this example, both methods are used in order to show the use of different instrumentation. In other words, when the chorus is in polyphonic mode, they get one line, but when multiple instruments are used to create this sound they are on different lines.

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