Friday, November 8, 2019

Political Theater essays

Political Theater essays How does one define political theater' Those who favor conservative or rightwing views, first think of it as leftist propaganda. Individuals who enjoy mainstream plays and straightforward plots, see it as one-sided and pedantic. It is true that inferior productions of these performances can be dogmatic and strident, but every art form has its detractors. However, political theater at its best emphasizes an important societal issue of the day and delivers a message to viewers of all backgrounds and interests. It wishes to be anything but a political party line or single-dimensional in nature. Audiences with a wider view consider political theatre ranging far outside mere polemics. As playwright and journalist Ben Winters states, "political theatre can also be defined as exploring themes more universal and central to society itself, especially when that society defines itself as politically conscious." Adds playwright Jessica Blank, "First and foremost, what we wanted to do was make a good piece of theatre, political or not. If the piece also has a purpose, it can serve that purpose better the better a work of art it is." Surely, El Teatro Campesino Theatre and Bread and Puppet Theatre exemplify this higher level of political Peter Schumann formed The Bread City's Lower East Side. It was named for the coarse, flavorful sourdough bread that was given out at its performances, and for the grave, evocative puppet figures that were the theatre's main performers. During the 60s decade, Bread and Puppet took to the streets, creating outdoor shows, giving expression to neighborhood issues and taking part in peace parades. Since then, it has included work in many different styles, from simple ten-minute performances that can be put on by two people in the street to that require casts of twenty or more. Pupp ...

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