Monday, December 30, 2019

The Incident Of The Police - 1366 Words

Phillip’s fire inside instantly died when he heard Russell’s voice, and he began complying at once with his now known captor as if performing a mock surrender to appease the crowd’s wishes. The two of them then made their way as surreptitiously as possible out of the back of the swarm and headed towards the town hall. â€Å"What the heck is all this stuff?† an officer demanded of Inez as they began sifting through his things. â€Å"Just what did you think you were trying to do here?† With no reply from Inez the police began their investigation at once and a dozen or more bystander then offered up their own opinions of what had happened and of what they claimed Inez had said during the event. Several people even accused Inez of blasphemy against†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"We have quite a few people over towards the west side of the statue telling us that there was a girl and an boy with this guy—teenagers, they say.† â€Å"Alright, spread out,† said Cary, â€Å"and see if you can find them. And, you, Inez Tate, was it? I think we’re going to be having an awfully long chat this time down at the station, and you won’t be going anywhere until you give me answers to every question I want to know, you got that?† Inez remained hushed. †Å"We got the girl in custody, sergeant,† one of the young officers said walking back up from out of the dismantling crowd. â€Å"A few bystanders grabbed her as she tried to flee.† â€Å"And the boy?† asked Cary. â€Å"Still missing. But several witness say he was headed in the direction of the town hall with someone who had apprehended him. So it looks like only a matter of time before we have him, too. We got guys going now to search the area of the town hall for them.† â€Å"Good†¦ good work, Petersen,† Cary said. â€Å"Bring me the girl.† â€Å"Boy, you’ve really screwed up now, Phillip,† stated Russell as he continued to push his brother into the confines of the town hall, hoping to duck out of view of those who would recognize Phillip as being involved with what the crazy man out front by the volunteers statue was doing. â€Å"You know how this is going to look for dad? That, he’s going to have to arrest his own son in connection with a terror plot to blow up the town hall?† â€Å"We weren’t trying to blow up theShow MoreRelatedThe Incident Of The Police Officer1486 Words   |  6 PagesBrown was fatally shot by police officer Darren Wilson at 12:03pm, Brown reportedly held his hands up in surrender, yet the unarmed teenager was still shot dead in the streets in an unlawful killing by a criminal justice representative. 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