Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ancient Greek Architecture The Doric Style And The Ionic...

There are three types of columns found in ancient Greek architecture but two of the three columns are: The Doric style and the Ionic design The Doric style is rather sturdy and its top (the capital), is plain. This style was used in mainland Greece and the colonies in southern Italy and Sicily. The Ionic style is thinner and more elegant. Its capital is decorated with a scroll-like design (a volute). This style was found in eastern Greece and the islands. 2). The ushabti (also called shabti or shawabti, with a number of variant spellings, Ancient Egyptian plural: ushabtiu) was a funerary figurine used in Ancient Egypt. These earliest examples had no spells inscribed or other specific words for their purpose, but were nevertheless expected to perform work on behalf of the dead. Model stone statuettes of workers in various professions were commonly placed in tombs during the Middle Kingdom (though in small numbers), and their use was also known from many periods. Initially, these magical figures were believed to act as a substitute for the deceased himself, although later they came to be regarded as mere servants in the afterlife. Hence, at first they were sometimes fashioned either as mummies or as living persons dressed in fine linen garb, but in later periods their appearance changed more to that of servants. 3). Ancient Egyptian art is the painting, sculpture, architecture and other arts produced by the civilization of Ancient Egypt in the lower Nile Valley from about 3000Show MoreRelatedClassical Greek Architecture1848 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Classical Greek Architecture The Ancient Greek population was one of the most powerful civilizations of the world. And the power of the people did not reside particularly in military strength, but more so in the high development of its culture and civilization. The ancient Greeks revealed increased levels of innovation in numerous fields. 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Even houses have resemblance to some of the most famous buildings we seen throughout history. â€Å"The architecture of ancient Greece is defined by the temples built to glorify their gods and goddesses and express pride in their cities.† Though in today’s world we may not glorify gods and goddesses when we began to design a home, but we do know how to turn once-traditionalRead More The History of Greek Architecture Essays1042 Words   |  5 PagesThe History of Greek Architecture The architecture of ancient Greece is represented by buildings in the sanctuaries and cities of mainland Greece, the Aegean islands, southern Italy and Sicily, and the Ionian coast of Turkey. Monumental Greek architecture began in the archaic period, flourished through the classical and Hellenistic periods, and saw the first of many revivals during the Roman Empire. 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